Interface settings lost
I'm not able to reproduce this at all.
I think it's som eadvanced interface config like TCP offload going on when you have a net device that doesn't support such exotic stuff like an ovpncX tun device.
I have this is bug on my VMWare
built on Thu Apr 1 10:59:31 EDT 2010
FreeBSD 8.0-STABLEUpgrade from 1.2.x
There have been a bunch of fixes since then, which may help some of those errors. At least that upgrade function error should be fixed, iirc.
There have been a bunch of fixes since then, which may help some of those errors. At least that upgrade function error should be fixed, iirc.
Great. Also if this interested config.xml no have version in broken VM:
If the config is corrupted that may already be too late then… you might need to restore a backup config if you can. You should be able to copy a backup out of /conf/backup/ over the top of /conf/config.xml
If the config is corrupted that may already be too late then… you might need to restore a backup config if you can. You should be able to copy a backup out of /conf/backup/ over the top of /conf/config.xml
Thanks, but it was a test system for experiments - not important
Аlso a further remark:
built on Fri Apr 23 20:59:37 EDT 2010
Clean Installation (not upgrade):- after reboot can't access to webgui and SSH, need restart webconfigurator and twice Disable/Enable SSH (ssh settings not applied after reboot). All interfaces good - with his IP's.
Just to let you know this wasn't a one off thing, I had the same issue on two separate boxes with a snap from 2010-05-10. A 4-29 snap is working correctly for me.
I'll need a config sample from a box that has these symptoms so I can reproduce it. I still can't make it happen for me.
I'll try to get that for you later today.
I can also confirm that using the build from 13-may-2010 changes to the LAN interface either through the web configuration wizard or setting the LAN interface manually through the webconfigurator caused the sytem to stop responding, which requires a restart which goes through the initial setup again.
I wouldn't normally publicly upload my config, but I did a clean install and the issue was still there, so I'm posting my config from the clean install.
Just a note in case this is related to the issue that others are having. I have 2 disks on the pfSense box, so during the installation I chose to create a GEOM mirror and installed to that.
Others who have this issue, is your system also running the GEOM mirror? I've noticed that the mirror persists across clean installs and that the drivers for it are loaded even though I did a clean install w/o installing to the mirror.
I had to compress the file to get it to attach. Rename the extension to .zip if necessary.
[Clean Install config-pfSense.localdomain-20100514191159.txt](/public/imported_attachments/1/Clean Install config-pfSense.localdomain-20100514191159.txt)