Dashboard traffic graph not showing data
I forgot to mention I had the same result on both a clean NanoBSD install and an upgrade. So it's likely not an upgrade issue.
Is this me only?
I noticed the same thing in the last two or three snapshots. I figured the devs were just working on the graphs.
Same issue for me. Early August builds were good.
As I remember, mine broke with the August 10 build.
Same issue for me after the last 2 update.
…and the same for me since August 10.
Some of the recent gettext merges seem to have broken it. It should be fixed soon.
Great - thanks for the update!
this is fixed as of this afternoon, may not hit snapshots til the 14th.
this is fixed as of this afternoon, may not hit snapshots til the 14th.
Great news! Thank you devs for all your hard work!
It s OK since the version 2.0-BETA4-(i386) built on Sat Aug 14 10:17:14 EDT 2010
Good jobs