Firewall logs
hi im new to pfsense and bsd in general
i have setup pfsense firewall
i need to know is where do the firewall logs go by default
do they go somewhere in the hard drive and if so do they get overwritten at some point
wouldnt want my server to run out of room do to this
also can this be done through the gui interface
i know you can setup a syslog but i have not done that
so its basically in its default state -
You can view the firewalllogs at status>systemlogs, firewall. If you need to store them at a remote location you can enable a remote syslogserver at status>systemlogs, settings.
what im asking is if the logs also get wriiten to the hard disk
could there be a possibility to add a "log to disk" checkbox? it often helps to have more than 50 log entrys available in the long run, and not everyone can dedicate a entire server for a syslog-server…
(and maybe a log size limit input box)
…it often helps to have more than 50 log entrys available...
Status | System logs | Settings: Number of log entries to show: xyz
Enter a higher number here if you don't want to use an external syslog server. -
thansk.. guess im just a little blind :p
hello, my English is not very good, I have a pfsense, and have formed logs External syslog server, but the events of firewall are not regitrados in the server logs, the messages of authentication and messages of the system if, but what me intereza is really the messages of discarded or blocked packages, the server logs in freeBSD 6,1 Release, and syslog-ng 1.6,
some suggestion?