Postfix - antispam and relay package
Bismark, any hint to get mailscanner working as well?
Bismark, any hint to get mailscanner working as well?
Sure, there you go:
Thanks a lot man!
I appreciate your time -
it does not work for me. I have Provet so many times now I have abandoned.
Thansk :(
Sorry ReisBey, sadly there is no easy way to run Postfix on pfSense anymore. :'(
Hi! I don't see any logs too.
"Postfix General Settings > Logging > Destination > /var/log/maillog " enabled.
I create maillog file in Command Prompt (touch /var/log/maillog), and insert " mail.* /var/log/maillog " in syslog file and restart postfix.
But it did not solve my problemAny ideas?
Hi! I don't see any logs too.
"Postfix General Settings > Logging > Destination > /var/log/maillog " enabled.
I create maillog file in Command Prompt (touch /var/log/maillog), and insert " mail.* /var/log/maillog " in syslog file and restart postfix.
But it did not solve my problemAny ideas?
Sorry my fault, move from /etc/ to /etc/inc/ and reboot.
zip file and the howto updated
I don't see any logs, though. Shouldn't there be a mail log in var/log ?
Did you enabled it in the Postfix General Settings > Logging > Destination > /var/log/maillog ?
And check /etc/syslog.conf there should be a line for it:
local7.* %/var/log/dhcpd.log
mail. /var/log/maillog*
.notice;kern.debug;;mail.crit;daemon.none;news.err;local0.none;local3.none;local4.none;local7.none;security.;;; %/var/log/system.log; |exec /usr/local/sbin/sshlockout_pf 15
*.emerg *
…Otherwise, everything will be logged in the system.log facility, which can be very noisy. :P
I've tried to play with /etc/syslog.conf to make the mail log working again, but it's seem to be a bad idea.
This file is recreated after reboot and the previously added line disappear.So I added the line mail. /var/log/maillog* into the /etc/inc/ instead.
I add it after the line local7.* %/var/log/dhcpd.log
then reboot.Now the file /etc/syslog.conf have the correct line for logging and postfix is logging correctly to the maillog.
Thanks !
Hi everyone!
A special thanks to marcelloc for the work he done. it's awesome.
I try to configure postfix at pfsense 2.3.2 and can't solve the problem with recipients from AD. Filled all the fields at the gui, but nothing done. I try to receive recepients in SSH with the command```
/usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/postfix_recipients.phpextracting from while binding:The wrong password was supplied or the SASL credentials could not be processed
There is no backup file for
Total ldap recipients:0 unique:0But I'm sure I wrote the password correctly. Can anybody help me with this problem?  
In Domain try: dc=testdoamin,dc=ru this is how its working in my setup.
And you could check AD login via Diagnostics > Authentication but you need setup a DC in System > User Manager > Authentication Servers first.
Good luck.
Thanks for your reply, Bismarck.
Try your advice - the same result. Also try as Username - the same. But if I type CN=pfsense;DC=TESTDOMAIN,DC=RU in Username filed then I got an error:extracting from of uninitialized value $passwd in string eq at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/Net/ line 427, <data>line 755. error while binding:The server requires the client which had attempted to bind anonymously or without supplying credentials to provide some form of credentials P@ssw0rd: not found</data>
But I'm not sure that ; is right here.
Used Diagnostics > Authentication- everything allright. Moreover, I use AD authentication to the gui. -
Hello team, I need help with the pfsense postfix forwader antispam tool postscreen.
I have to disable those after greeting Tests - greylisting Problem with Office365 Mails:
postscreen_bare_newline_enable no
postscreen_non_smtp_command_enable no
postscreen_pipelining_enable no
How can I manage this ?
Kind Regards,
Hanno -
For permanent changes you can edit file:
there you have the file with changes I made for my config;
It include a warning notice for the lines you want to disable, that settings will delay receiving emails but you can disable from antispam config, no need to delete it./* part of pfSense ( Copyright (C) 2010 Erik Fonnesbeck Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Marcello Coutinho Copyright (C) 2015 ESF, LLC All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1\. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2\. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ $shortcut_section = "postfix"; require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); require_once(""); define('POSTFIX_LOCALBASE','/usr/local'); $uname=posix_uname(); if ($uname['machine'] == 'amd64') { ini_set('memory_limit', '250M'); } function px_text_area_decode($text) { return preg_replace('/\r\n/', "\n",base64_decode($text)); } function px_get_real_interface_address($iface) { global $config; $iface = convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($iface); $line = trim(shell_exec("ifconfig $iface | grep inet | grep -v inet6")); $postfix_enabled = $config['installedpackages']['postfix']['config'][0]['enable_postfix']; list($dummy, $ip, $dummy2, $netmask) = explode(" ", $line); return array($ip, long2ip(hexdec($netmask))); } function sync_relay_recipients($via_cron = "cron") { global $config,$g; // relay recipients if ($config['installedpackages']['postfixrecipients']['config']) { $relay_recipients = ""; $relay_ldap_recipients = ""; $ad_export = "/usr/local/bin/"; $postfix_enabled = $config['installedpackages']['postfix']['config'][0]['enable_postfix']; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['postfixrecipients']['config'])) { $relay_ldap_recipients = ""; $postfix_recipients_config=$config['installedpackages']['postfixrecipients']['config'][0]; if ($postfix_recipients_config['enable_url'] && is_URL($postfix_recipients_config['custom_url'])) { print "extracting from ".$postfix_recipients_config['custom_url']."..."; $relay_recipients .= file_get_contents($postfix_recipients_config['custom_url']); print "(". count(file($postfix_recipients_config['custom_url'])).")\n"; } if ($postfix_recipients_config['custom_recipients']) { $relay_recipients .= px_text_area_decode($postfix_recipients_config['custom_recipients']); } if ($postfix_recipients_config['enable_ldap']) { // validate cront job if ($via_cron == "gui") { // running via pfsense gui, not time for ldap fetch. $ldap_recipients = POSTFIX_LOCALBASE. '/etc/postfix/relay_ldap_recipients.txt'; if (!file_exists($ldap_recipients)) { system('/usr/bin/touch '. $ldap_recipients); } $relay_ldap_recipients = file_get_contents($ldap_recipients); } else { // running via crontab, time to get ldap content. $ldap_temp = array(); foreach ($postfix_recipients_config['row'] as $postfix_ldap) { print "extracting from ".$postfix_ldap['dc']."..."; $filename = POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/etc/postfix/relay_ldap_recipients.".$postfix_ldap['dc'].".txt"; exec($ad_export." ".$postfix_ldap['dc']." ".$postfix_ldap['cn']." ".$postfix_ldap['username']." ".$postfix_ldap['password'],$ldap_fetch,$status); if ($status == 0) { // write backup conf for ldap server $fp = fopen($filename,"w+"); foreach($ldap_fetch as $key => $value) { fwrite($fp,$value."\n"); } fclose($fp); } else { if (file_exists($filename)) { // LDAP fetch backup file. print "Restoring backup file for ".$postfix_ldap['dc']."..."; $ldap_fetch=file($filename); } else { // we never got any info from this server. print "There is no backup file for ".$postfix_ldap['dc']."..."; $ldap_fetch=array(); } } $ldap_all = array_merge($ldap_temp,$ldap_fetch); $ldap_temp = $ldap_all; print "(" . count($ldap_fetch) . ")\n"; $ldap_fetch = array(); } $ldap_unique = array_unique($ldap_all); print "Total ldap recipients:" . count($ldap_all) . "\tunique:" . count($ldap_unique) . "\n"; foreach ($ldap_unique as $recipient) { $relay_ldap_recipients .= ($recipient != "" ? preg_replace("/\s+/","",$recipient) . " OK\n" : ""); } // save ldap relay recipients file_put_contents(POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/etc/postfix/relay_ldap_recipients.txt",$relay_ldap_recipients, LOCK_EX); } } } // save all relay recipients, remove duplicates and reload postfix $recipients_file = POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/etc/postfix/relay_recipients"; file_put_contents ($recipients_file . ".unsort",$relay_ldap_recipients . "\n" . $relay_recipients, LOCK_EX); exec ('/usr/bin/sort -u '.$recipients_file.'.unsort > '.$recipients_file); unlink_if_exists ($recipients_file.'.unsort'); exec (POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/sbin/postmap ".POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/etc/postfix/relay_recipients"); mwexec ("/usr/local/sbin/postfix reload"); } if ($relay_recipients != "" || $relay_ldap_recipients!= "") { return ("relay_recipient_maps = hash:".POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/etc/postfix/relay_recipients\n"); } } function check_cron() { global $config, $g; $cron_postfix_sqlite = ""; $cron_cmd_sqlite = "/usr/local/bin/php -q /usr/local/www/postfix.php"; $cron_cmd_recipients = "/usr/local/bin/php -q /usr/local/www/postfix_recipients.php"; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['postfix']['config'])) { $postfix_enabled = $config['installedpackages']['postfix']['config'][0]['enable_postfix']; } // check ldap update if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['postfixrecipients']['config'])) { $postfix_recipients_config = $config['installedpackages']['postfixrecipients']['config'][0]; } // check crontab relay recipients if (preg_match("/(\d+)(\w)/", $postfix_recipients_config['freq'], $matches)) { $r_minute = "*"; $r_hour = "*"; $r_mday = "*"; $r_month = "*"; $r_wday = "*"; $r_who = "root"; switch ($matches[2]) { case m: $r_minute = "*/" . $matches[1]; break; case h: $r_minute = "0"; $r_hour = "*/" . $matches[1]; break; case d: $r_minute = "0"; $r_hour = "0"; $r_mday = "*/" . $matches[1]; break; default: $input_errors[] = "A valid number with a time reference is required for the field 'Frequency'"; } } // check crontab Sqlite databases if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['postfix']['config'])) { $cron_sqlite_queue = $config['installedpackages']['postfix']['config'][0]['update_sqlite']; if ($cron_sqlite_queue != "" && $cron_sqlite_queue != "never") { $s_minute = "*"; $s_hour = "*"; $s_mday = "*"; $s_month = "*"; $s_wday = "*"; $s_who = "root"; switch ($cron_sqlite_queue) { case '01min': $cron_postfix_sqlite = $cron_cmd_sqlite . " 01min"; break; case '10min': $s_minute = "*/10"; $cron_postfix_sqlite = $cron_cmd_sqlite . " 10min"; break; case '01hour': $s_minute = "0"; $cron_postfix_sqlite = $cron_cmd_sqlite . " 01hour"; break; case '24hours': $s_minute = "0"; $s_hour = "0"; $cron_postfix_sqlite = $cron_cmd_sqlite . " 24hours"; break; } } } // update cron if ($postfix_enabled == "on") { if ($postfix_recipients_config['enable_ldap'] || $postfix_recipients_config['enable_url']) { install_cron_job ("{$cron_cmd_recipients}", true, $r_minute, $r_hour, $r_mday, $r_month, $r_wday, $r_who); } else { install_cron_job ("{$cron_cmd_recipients}", false); } if ($cron_sqlite_queue != "" && $cron_sqlite_queue != "never") { // First remove the previous schedule since the command was appended as well install_cron_job ("{$cron_cmd_sqlite}", false); install_cron_job ("{$cron_postfix_sqlite}", true, $s_minute, $s_hour, $s_mday, $s_month, $s_wday, $s_who); } else { install_cron_job ("{$cron_cmd_sqlite}", false); } } else { install_cron_job ("{$cron_cmd_recipients}", false); install_cron_job("{$cron_cmd_sqlite}", false); } } function sync_package_postfix($via_rpc = "no") { global $g, $config; log_error("sync_package_postfix called with via_rpc={$via_rpc}"); # detect boot process if (is_array($_POST)) { if (function_exists("platform_booting")) { if (!platform_booting()) { unset($boot_process); } else { $boot_process = "on"; } } elseif (!($g['booting'])) { unset($boot_process); } else { $boot_process = "on"; } } if (is_process_running("master") && isset($boot_process) && $via_rpc == "no") { return; } // check patch in /etc/inc/config. $relay_domains = ""; $transport = ""; $postfix_config=$config['installedpackages']['postfix']['config'][0]; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['postfixdomains'])) { $postfix_domains=$config['installedpackages']['postfixdomains']['config'][0]; } $message_size_limit = ($postfix_config['message_size_limit'] ? $postfix_config['message_size_limit'] : "10240000"); $process_limit = ($postfix_config['process_limit'] ? $postfix_config['process_limit'] : "100"); if (is_array($postfix_domains['row'])) { foreach ($postfix_domains['row'] as $postfix_row) { $relay_domains .= ' ' . $postfix_row['domain']; if (!empty($postfix_row['mailserverip'])) { $transport .= $postfix_row['domain'] . " smtp:[" . $postfix_row['mailserverip'] . "]\n"; } } } // check cron check_cron(); #check_debug if ($postfix_config['debug_list'] && $postfix_config['debug_list'] != "") { $check_debug = "\n#Debugging postfix\n"; $check_debug .= "debug_peer_list = ".px_text_area_decode($postfix_config['debug_list'])."\n"; $check_debug .= "debug_peer_level = ".$postfix_config['debug_level']."\n\n"; } #check relay recipients $all_relay_recipients = sync_relay_recipients('gui'); $copyright = <<<about<br>#Part of the Postfix package for pfSense #Copyright (C) 2010 Erik Fonnesbeck #Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Marcello Coutinho #All rights reserved. #DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ABOUT; $pf_dir=POSTFIX_LOCALBASE; $postfix_main=<<<eof<br>#Permanent changes edit /usr/local/pkg/\ {$copyright} mynetworks = {$pf_dir}/etc/postfix/mynetwork_table mynetworks_style = host access_map_reject_code= 554 access_map_defer_code = 451 unverified_recipient_reject_code = 550 unknown_client_reject_code = 550 unknown_hostname_reject_code = 550 EOF; // Header Maps $mynetworks = ""; if ($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['mynetworks']) { $mynetworks = px_text_area_decode($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['mynetworks']); } // Header Maps if ($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['header_maps']) { $postfix_main .= "header_checks = pcre:".POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/etc/postfix/header_check\n"; $postfix_main .= "header_size_limit = 1024000\n"; $header_check = px_text_area_decode($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['header_maps']); } // Helo Maps if ($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['helo_maps']) { $helo_check = px_text_area_decode($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['helo_maps']); } // Sender access if ($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['sender_access']) { $sender_access = px_text_area_decode($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['sender_access']); } // MIME Maps if ($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['mime_maps']) { $postfix_main .= "mime_header_checks = pcre:".POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/etc/postfix/mime_check\n"; $mime_check = px_text_area_decode($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['mime_maps']); } // Body Maps if ($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['body_maps']) { $postfix_main .= "body_checks = pcre:".POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/etc/postfix/body_check\n"; $body_check = px_text_area_decode($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['body_maps']); } // Client CIDR if ($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['cal_cidr']) { if ($antispam['zombie_blocker']=='disabled') { $cal_cidr = px_text_area_decode($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['cal_cidr']); } else { //format file without 'oks' $cal_cidr_tmp = px_text_area_decode($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['cal_cidr']); $cal_cidr = preg_replace('/ ok/i'," permit",$cal_cidr_tmp); } } // Client PCRE if ($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['cal_pcre']) { $cal_pcre = px_text_area_decode($config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']['config'][0]['cal_pcre']); } $postfix_main .= px_text_area_decode($postfix_config['maincf'])."\n". "relay_domains ={$relay_domains}\n" . "transport_maps = hash:".POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/etc/postfix/transport\n" . "local_recipient_maps =\n" . $all_relay_recipients. "mydestination =\n" . "mynetworks_style = host\n" . "message_size_limit = {$message_size_limit}\n" . "default_process_limit = {$process_limit}\n"; //assign antispam options $antispam = $config['installedpackages']['postfixantispam']['config'][0]; if ($antispam['antispam_enabled']) { switch ($antispam['antispam_software']) { case "mailscanner": if ($antispam['hold_mode'] == 'auto') { $header_check .= "\n/^Received:/ HOLD\n"; $postfix_main_antispam = "#Saving all mail after header/body/rbl/spf checks to mailscanner\n\n"; } break; case "policyd2": if ($antispam['antispam_location']) { $postfix_main_antispam = <<<eof<br>#using policyd v2 client_throttle = check_policy_service {$antispam['antispam_location']} smtpd_client_restrictions = check_policy_service {$antispam['antispam_location']} smtpd_restriction_classes = has_our_domain_as_sender client_throttle smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions = check_policy_service {$antispam['antispam_location']} EOF; } else { $postfix_main_antispam = "Policyd v2 has no location set.\n\n"; } break; } } if ($antispam['reject_unknown_helo_hostname']) { $reject_unknown_helo_hostname = <<<eof<br>smtpd_helo_restrictions = check_helo_access pcre:{$pf_dir}/etc/postfix/helo_check, reject_unknown_helo_hostname, reject_invalid_helo_hostname, reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname, permit EOF; } if ($antispam['header_check'] == "strong") { $postfix_main .= <<<eof<br>disable_vrfy_command = yes strict_rfc821_envelopes = no #Just reject after helo,sender,client,recipient tests default enabled yes smtpd_delay_reject = yes # Don't talk to mail systems that don't know their own hostname. smtpd_helo_required = yes {$reject_unknown_helo_hostname} smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_non_fqdn_sender, reject_unknown_sender_domain, reject_unauth_pipelining, reject_multi_recipient_bounce, permit # Allow connections from specified local clients and strong check everybody else. smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination, check_client_access pcre:{$pf_dir}/etc/postfix/cal_pcre, check_client_access cidr:{$pf_dir}/etc/postfix/cal_cidr, reject_unknown_client_hostname, reject_unauth_pipelining, reject_multi_recipient_bounce, permit smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination, reject_unauth_pipelining, check_client_access pcre:{$pf_dir}/etc/postfix/cal_pcre, check_client_access cidr:{$pf_dir}/etc/postfix/cal_cidr, check_sender_access hash:{$pf_dir}/etc/postfix/sender_access, reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname, reject_unknown_recipient_domain, reject_non_fqdn_recipient, reject_multi_recipient_bounce, # reject_unverified_recipient, SPFSPFSPFRBLRBLRBL EOF; } else { $postfix_main .= <<<eof<br>#Just reject after helo,sender,client,recipient tests smtpd_delay_reject = yes # Don't talk to mail systems that don't know their own hostname. smtpd_helo_required = yes {$reject_unknown_helo_hostname} smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_unknown_sender_domain, RBLRBLRBL # Allow connections from specified local clients and rbl check everybody else if rbl check are set. smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination, check_sender_access hash:{$pf_dir}/etc/postfix/sender_access, check_client_access pcre:{$pf_dir}/etc/postfix/cal_pcre, check_client_access cidr:{$pf_dir}/etc/postfix/cal_cidr RBLRBLRBL # Whitelisting: local clients may specify any destination domain. #, smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination, check_sender_access hash:{$pf_dir}/etc/postfix/sender_access, check_client_access pcre:{$pf_dir}/etc/postfix/cal_pcre, check_client_access cidr:{$pf_dir}/etc/postfix/cal_cidr, SPFSPFSPFRBLRBLRBL EOF; } #check spf option switch ($antispam['postfix_spf']) { case 'spf_mark_only': $postfix_main.= "spf_mark_only = yes\n"; $spf = "reject_spf_invalid_sender,\n\t\t\t\t"; break; case 'disable': $spf = ""; break; default: # $spf=$antispam['postfix_spf'].",\n\t\t\t\t"; $spf = ""; break; } $postfix_main = preg_replace("/SPFSPFSPF/",$spf,$postfix_main); $postfix_main .= $postfix_main_antispam.$check_debug; switch ($antispam['zombie_blocker']) { case "enforce": case "drop": case "ignore": $postscreen = 1; break; case "disabled": $postscreen = 0; break; } if ($antispam['soft_bounce'] == "enabled") { $postfix_main .= "soft_bounce = yes\n"; } //check ips to listen on $inet_protocols = ($postfix_config['inet_protocol'] ? $postfix_config['inet_protocol'] : "ipv4"); $inet_interfaces = array(); if (preg_match("/All/",$postfix_config['enabled_interface'])) { $inet_interfaces[] = ""; } elseif ($postfix_config['enabled_interface'] == "lo0") { $inet_interfaces[] = "loopback-only"; } else { $ifaces = ($postfix_config['enabled_interface'] ? $postfix_config['enabled_interface'] : 'wan'); foreach (explode(',',$ifaces) as $listenon) { if (is_ipaddrv6($listenon) && preg_match("/(ipv6|all)/i",$inet_protocols)) { $inet_interfaces[]= "{$listenon}"; } elseif (is_ipaddr($listenon) && preg_match("/(ipv4|all)/i",$inet_protocols)) { $inet_interfaces[]= "{$listenon}"; } else { $listenon=(pfSense_get_interface_addresses(convert_friendly_interface_to_real_interface_name($listenon))); if (is_ipaddr($listenon['ipaddr']) && preg_match("/(ipv4|all)/i",$inet_protocols)) { $inet_interfaces []= "{$listenon['ipaddr']}"; } if (is_ipaddrv6($listenon['ipaddr6']) && preg_match("/(ipv6|all)/i",$inet_protocols)) { $inet_interfaces []= "{$listenon['ipaddr6']}"; } } } } $postfix_main .= "inet_protocols = {$inet_protocols}\n"; $postfix_main .= "inet_interfaces = ".implode(",",$inet_interfaces)."\n"; if ($postscreen==1) #Postscreen enabled { if(preg_match("/(\d+),(\d+)(s|m|h|w)/",$antispam['greet_time'],$greet)){ $postfix_main.='postscreen_greet_wait = ${stress?'.$greet[1].'}${stress:'.$greet[2].'}'.$greet[3]."\n"; } $ag=$antispam['after_greeting']; if(preg_match("/postscreen_disable_vrfy_command/",$antispam['after_greeting'])){ $postfix_main.="postscreen_disable_vrfy_command = yes\n"; } if(preg_match("/postscreen_non_smtp_command_enable/",$antispam['after_greeting'])){ $postfix_main.="#Any one of this setting will delay mail !\n"; $postfix_main.="postscreen_non_smtp_command_enable = yes\n"; $postfix_main.="postscreen_non_smtp_command_action = ".$antispam['zombie_blocker']."\n"; $postfix_main.="#-----------------------------------------\n"; } if(preg_match("/postscreen_pipelining_enable/",$antispam['after_greeting'])){ $postfix_main.="#Any one of this setting will delay mail !\n"; $postfix_main.="postscreen_pipelining_enable = yes\n"; $postfix_main.="postscreen_pipelining_action = ".$antispam['zombie_blocker']."\n"; $postfix_main.="#-----------------------------------------\n"; } if(preg_match("/postscreen_bare_newline_enable/",$antispam['after_greeting'])){ $postfix_main.="#Any one of this setting will delay mail !\n"; $postfix_main.="postscreen_bare_newline_enable = yes\n"; $postfix_main.="postscreen_bare_newline_action = ".$antispam['zombie_blocker']."\n"; $postfix_main.="#-----------------------------------------\n"; } if(preg_match("/postscreen_greet_check/",$antispam['after_greeting'])){ $postfix_main.="postscreen_greet_action = ".$antispam['zombie_blocker']."\n"; } $postfix_main .= "postscreen_access_list = permit_mynetworks,\n\t\t\tcidr:".POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/etc/postfix/cal_cidr\n"; $postfix_main .= "postscreen_dnsbl_action= ".$antispam['zombie_blocker']."\n"; $postfix_main .= "postscreen_blacklist_action= ".$antispam['zombie_blocker']."\n"; //postscreen interface loop //$ifaces = ($postfix_config['enabled_interface'] ? $postfix_config['enabled_interface'] : 'wan'); //$real_ifaces = array(); //$postfix_master=""; //foreach (explode(",", $ifaces) as $i => $iface) { // $real_ifaces[] = px_get_real_interface_address($iface); // if ($real_ifaces[$i][0]) { // $postfix_master .=$real_ifaces[$i][0].":25 inet n - n - 1 postscreen\n\t-o user=postfix\n"; $postfix_master = "smtp inet n - n - 1 postscreen\n"; $postfix_master .= ($antispam['soft_bounce'] == "postscreen" ? "\t-o soft_bounce=yes\n" : ""); // } //} $postfix_master .= $postfix_inets.<<<mastereof<br>smtpd pass - - n - - smtpd dnsblog unix - - n - 0 dnsblog tlsproxy unix - - n - 0 tlsproxy MASTEREOF; $rbl2 = ""; if ($antispam['rbl_servers'] != "") { $postfix_main .= "postscreen_dnsbl_sites = " . $antispam['rbl_servers']."\n"; $postfix_main .= "postscreen_dnsbl_threshold = " . $antispam['rbl_threshold']."\n"; } } else { //Postscreen disabled if ($antispam['rbl_servers'] != "") { $RBL = explode(",",$antispam['rbl_servers']); foreach ($RBL as $rbl) { $prefix = ($rbl2 != "" ? "\t\t\t\t" : ""); $rbl2 .= $prefix."reject_rbl_client $rbl,\n"; } } // interface loop /*$postfix_inets=""; $ifaces = ($postfix_config['enabled_interface'] ? $postfix_config['enabled_interface'] : 'loopback'); $real_ifaces = array(); $postfix_master=""; foreach (explode(",", $ifaces) as $i => $iface) { $real_ifaces[] = px_get_real_interface_address($iface); if ($real_ifaces[$i][0]) { $postfix_master .=$real_ifaces[$i][0].":25 inet n - n - - smtpd\n"; } } */ $postfix_master = "25 inet n - n - - smtpd\n"; } $rbl2 .= ($rbl2 != "" ? "\t\t\t\tpermit\n" : "permit\n"); $postfix_main = preg_replace("/RBLRBLRBL/",$rbl2,$postfix_main); // Header Maps $anvil_config = $config['installedpackages']['postfixantispam']['config'][0]['anvil']; if ($anvil_config =='enabled' || ($anvil_config =='postscreen' && $postscreen==1)) { $anvil='anvil unix - - n - 1 anvil'; } $postfix_master .= <<<mastereof2<br>pickup fifo n - n 60 1 pickup cleanup unix n - n - 0 cleanup qmgr fifo n - n 300 1 qmgr tlsmgr unix - - n 1000? 1 tlsmgr rewrite unix - - n - - trivial-rewrite bounce unix - - n - 0 bounce defer unix - - n - 0 bounce trace unix - - n - 0 bounce verify unix - - n - 1 verify flush unix n - n 1000? 0 flush proxymap unix - - n - - proxymap proxywrite unix - - n - 1 proxymap smtp unix - - n - - smtp relay unix - - n - - smtp -o smtp_fallback_relay= showq unix n - n - - showq error unix - - n - - error retry unix - - n - - error discard unix - - n - - discard local unix - n n - - local virtual unix - n n - - virtual lmtp unix - - n - - lmtp scache unix - - n - 1 scache {$anvil} MASTEREOF2; conf_mount_rw(); log_error("Writing out configuration"); file_put_contents(POSTFIX_LOCALBASE . "/etc/postfix/", $postfix_main, LOCK_EX); file_put_contents(POSTFIX_LOCALBASE . "/etc/postfix/", $postfix_master, LOCK_EX); file_put_contents(POSTFIX_LOCALBASE . "/etc/postfix/transport", $transport, LOCK_EX); file_put_contents(POSTFIX_LOCALBASE . "/etc/postfix/sender_access", $sender_access, LOCK_EX); file_put_contents(POSTFIX_LOCALBASE . "/etc/postfix/cal_cidr", $cal_cidr, LOCK_EX); file_put_contents(POSTFIX_LOCALBASE . "/etc/postfix/cal_pcre", $cal_pcre, LOCK_EX); file_put_contents(POSTFIX_LOCALBASE . "/etc/postfix/header_check", $header_check, LOCK_EX); file_put_contents(POSTFIX_LOCALBASE . "/etc/postfix/helo_check", $helo_check, LOCK_EX); file_put_contents(POSTFIX_LOCALBASE . "/etc/postfix/mime_check", $mime_check, LOCK_EX); file_put_contents(POSTFIX_LOCALBASE . "/etc/postfix/body_check", $body_check, LOCK_EX); file_put_contents(POSTFIX_LOCALBASE . "/etc/postfix/mynetwork_table", $mynetworks, LOCK_EX); $FILES = array("transport","sender_access"); foreach ($FILES as $file) { mwexec(POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/sbin/postmap ".POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/etc/postfix/".$file); } #check postix dirs $dirs = array("/var/spool/postfix","/etc/mail","/var/db/postfix","/var/mail/postfix"); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (!is_dir($dir) && !file_exists($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0755,TRUE); } } #check postfix owners $dirs=array("/var/db/postfix","/var/mail/postfix"); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { chown($dir, 'postfix'); chgrp($dir, 'postfix'); } if (!file_exists("/etc/mail/aliases")) { touch("/etc/mail/aliases"); } if (!file_exists("/etc/aliases")) { @symlink("/etc/mail/aliases", "/etc/aliases"); } exec("/usr/local/bin/newaliases"); postfix_start(); //Do not sync during boot if (!isset($boot_process) || $via_rpc == "yes") { postfix_sync_on_changes(); } } function postfix_start() { global $config; $pf_dir = POSTFIX_LOCALBASE; $pf_start_cmd = "{$pf_dir}/sbin/postfix start"; $start = << <eof<br>sysctl kern.ipc.nmbclusters=65536 sysctl kern.ipc.somaxconn=16384 sysctl kern.maxfiles=131072 sysctl kern.maxfilesperproc=104856 sysctl kern.threads.max_threads_per_proc=4096 {$pf_start_cmd} EOF; $stop = POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/sbin/postfix stop\n"; log_error("Writing rc_file"); write_rcfile(array("file" => "", "start" => $start, "stop" => $stop)); sleep(1); if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['postfix']) && $config['installedpackages']['postfix']['config'][0]['enable_postfix']) { log_error("Reloading/starting postfix"); system('/bin/chmod +x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/'); mwexec_bg(POSTFIX_LOCALBASE."/sbin/postfix reload || /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start"); log_error("Postfix setup completed"); } else { log_error("Stopping postfix"); mwexec("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop"); system('/bin/chmod -x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/'); } conf_mount_ro(); } function postfix_validate_input($post, &$input_errors) { foreach ($post as $key => $value) { if (empty($value)) { continue; } if ($key == "greet_time" && !preg_match("/(\d+),(\d+)(s|m|h|w)/",$value)) { $input_errors[] = "Wrong greet time sintax."; } if ($key == "message_size_limit" && !is_numeric($value)) { $input_errors[] = "Message size limit must be numeric."; } if ($key == "process_limit" && !is_numeric($value)) { $input_errors[] = "Process limit must be numeric."; } if ($key == "freq" && (!preg_match("/^\d+(h|m|d)$/",$value) || $value == 0)) { $input_errors[] = "A valid number with a time reference is required for the field 'Frequency'"; } if (substr($key, 0, 2) == "dc" && !is_hostname($value)) { $input_errors[] = "{$value} is not a valid host name."; } if (substr($key, 0, 6) == "domain" && is_numeric(substr($key, 6))) { if (!is_domain($value)) { $input_errors[] = "{$value} is not a valid domain name."; } } else if (substr($key, 0, 12) == "mailserverip" && is_numeric(substr($key, 12))) { if (empty($post['domain' . substr($key, 12)])) { $input_errors[] = "Domain for {$value} cannot be blank."; } if (!is_ipaddr($value) && !is_hostname($value)) { $input_errors[] = "{$value} is not a valid IP address or host name."; } } } } function postfix_php_install_command() { sync_package_postfix(); } function postfix_php_deinstall_command() { global $config; #disable service if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['postfix'])) { $config['installedpackages']['postfix']['config'][0]['enable_postfix'] = ""; } write_config(); sync_package_postfix(); conf_mount_rw(); unlink_if_exists("/usr/local/etc/rc.d/"); unlink_if_exists("/etc/aliases"); conf_mount_ro(); } /* Uses XMLRPC to synchronize the changes to a remote node */ function postfix_sync_on_changes() { global $config, $g; if (is_array($config['installedpackages']['postfixsync']['config'])) { $postfix_sync = $config['installedpackages']['postfixsync']['config'][0]; $synctimeout = $postfix_sync['synctimeout'] ? : '250'; $synconchanges = $postfix_sync['synconchanges']; switch ($synconchanges) { case "manual": if (is_array($postfix_sync['row'])) { $rs = $postfix_sync['row']; } else { log_error("[postfix] XMLRPC sync is enabled but there are no hosts configured as replication targets."); return; } break; case "auto": if (is_array($config['hasync'])) { $system_carp = $config['hasync']; $rs[0]['ipaddress'] = $system_carp['synchronizetoip']; $rs[0]['username'] = $system_carp['username']; $rs[0]['password'] = $system_carp['password']; $rs[0]['sync_type'] = "xmlrpc"; $rs[0]['enabless'] = FALSE; // XMLRPC sync is currently only supported over connections using the same protocol and port as this system if ($config['system']['webgui']['protocol'] == "http") { $rs[0]['syncprotocol'] = "http"; $rs[0]['syncport'] = $config['system']['webgui']['port'] ? : '80'; } else { $rs[0]['syncprotocol'] = "https"; $rs[0]['syncport'] = $config['system']['webgui']['port'] ? : '443'; } if (!is_ipaddr($system_carp['synchronizetoip'])) { log_error("[postfix] XMLRPC CARP/HA sync is enabled but there are no system backup hosts configured as replication targets."); return; } else { $rs[0]['enabless'] = TRUE; } } else { log_error("[postfix] XMLRPC CARP/HA sync is enabled but there are no system backup hosts configured as replication targets."); return; } break; default: return; break; } if (is_array($rs)) { log_error("[postfix] XMLRPC sync is starting."); foreach($rs as $sh) { if ($sh['enabless'] && $sh['sync_type'] == 'xmlrpc') { $sync_to_ip = $sh['ipaddress']; $port = $sh['syncport']; $username = $sh['username'] ? : 'admin'; $password = $sh['password']; $protocol = $sh['syncprotocol']; $sync_type = $sh['sync_type']; $error = ''; $valid = TRUE; if ($password == "") { $error = "Password parameter is empty. "; $valid = FALSE; } if (!is_ipaddr($sync_to_ip) && !is_hostname($sync_to_ip) && !is_domain($sync_to_ip)) { $error .= "Misconfigured Replication Target IP Address or Hostname. "; $valid = FALSE; } if (!is_port($port)) { $error .= "Misconfigured Replication Target Port. "; $valid = FALSE; } if ($valid) { postfix_do_xmlrpc_sync($sync_to_ip, $port, $protocol, $username, $password, $synctimeout); } else { log_error("[postfix] XMLRPC sync with '{$sync_to_ip}' aborted due to the following error(s): {$error}"); } } } log_error("[postfix] XMLRPC sync completed."); } } } /* Do the actual XMLRPC sync */ function postfix_do_xmlrpc_sync($sync_to_ip, $port, $protocol, $username, $password, $synctimeout) { global $config, $g; if ($username == "" || $password == "" || $sync_to_ip == "" || $port == "" || $protocol == "") { log_error("[postfix] A required XMLRPC sync parameter (username, password, replication target, port or protocol) is empty ... aborting pkg sync"); return; } // Take care of IPv6 literal address if (is_ipaddrv6($sync_to_ip)) { $sync_to_ip = "[{$sync_to_ip}]"; } $url = "{$protocol}://{$sync_to_ip}"; /* XML will hold the sections to sync. */ $xml = array(); $xml['postfix'] = $config['installedpackages']['postfix']; $xml['postfixdomains'] = $config['installedpackages']['postfixdomains']; $xml['postfixacl'] = $config['installedpackages']['postfixacl']; $xml['postfixrecipients'] = $config['installedpackages']['postfixrecipients']; $xml['postfixantispam'] = $config['installedpackages']['postfixantispam']; /* Assemble XMLRPC payload. */ $params = array(XML_RPC_encode($password), XML_RPC_encode($xml)); /* Set a few variables needed for sync code */ log_error("[postfix] Beginning XMLRPC sync to {$url}:{$port}."); $method = 'pfsense.merge_installedpackages_section_xmlrpc'; $msg = new XML_RPC_Message($method, $params); $cli = new XML_RPC_Client('/xmlrpc.php', $url, $port); $cli->setCredentials($username, $password); if ($g['debug']) { $cli->setDebug(1); } /* Send our XMLRPC message and timeout after defined sync timeout value */ $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); if (!$resp) { $error = "A communications error occurred while attempting XMLRPC sync with {$url}:{$port}."; log_error("[postfix] {$error}"); file_notice("sync_settings", $error, "Postfix Settings Sync", ""); } elseif ($resp->faultCode()) { $cli->setDebug(1); $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); $error = "An error code was received while attempting XMLRPC sync with {$url}:{$port} - Code " . $resp->faultCode() . ": " . $resp->faultString(); log_error("[postfix] {$error}"); file_notice("sync_settings", $error, "Postfix Settings Sync", ""); } else { log_error("[postfix] XMLRPC sync successfully completed with {$url}:{$port}."); } /* Tell postfix to reload our settings on the destionation sync host. */ $method = 'pfsense.exec_php'; $execcmd = "require_once('/usr/local/pkg/');\n"; $execcmd .= "sync_package_postfix('yes');"; /* Assemble XMLRPC payload. */ $params = array(XML_RPC_encode($password), XML_RPC_encode($execcmd)); log_error("[postfix] XMLRPC reload data {$url}:{$port}."); $msg = new XML_RPC_Message($method, $params); $cli = new XML_RPC_Client('/xmlrpc.php', $url, $port); $cli->setCredentials($username, $password); $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); if (!$resp) { $error = "A communications error occurred while attempting XMLRPC sync with {$url}:{$port} (pfsense.exec_php)."; log_error("[postfix] {$error}"); file_notice("sync_settings", $error, "postfix Settings Sync", ""); } elseif ($resp->faultCode()) { $cli->setDebug(1); $resp = $cli->send($msg, $synctimeout); $error = "An error code was received while attempting XMLRPC sync with {$url}:{$port} - Code " . $resp->faultCode() . ": " . $resp->faultString(); log_error("[postfix] {$error}"); file_notice("sync_settings", $error, "postfix Settings Sync", ""); } else { log_error("[postfix] XMLRPC reload data success with {$url}:{$port} (pfsense.exec_php)."); } } ?></eof<br></mastereof2<br></mastereof<br></eof<br></eof<br></eof<br></eof<br></eof<br></about<br>
Solved my problem. Our AD wanted username in format. So I edited /usr/local/bin/ file
:51#our $bind = $ARGV[2].','.$ARGV[1]; # AD account our $bind = $ARGV[2];
and filled the domain field as DC=TESTDOMAIN,DC=RU, username field as and that works.
After upgrade to pfSense 2.3.3 Postfix does not start any more. The error message is "shared library not found".
Any help? -
After upgrade to pfSense 2.3.3 Postfix does not start any more. The error message is "shared library not found".
Any help?Which version of Postfix do you run? It looks like you need to update the postfix/icu pkg.
search for other commits by this committer
devel/icu: update to 58.1
PR: 214384
Exp-run by: antoine
Approved by: office (bapt)Try: pkg install postfix icu pcre
How many people does still need antispam and dkim outgoing mail signing feature running on pfSense?
I know Netgate does not want or need it as a package on current pfSense versions but I'm updating postfix package to 2.3.x as a manual procedure in the user at your own risk way.
How many people does still need this running on pfSense?I know netgate does not want or need it as a package on current versions(I've asked a lot of times), but I can try to update it to 2.3.x or 2.4 as a manual procedure in the user at your own risk state.
I will say this is a must if you want to be sure that at least pfsense notification will be emailed to you.
If wan ( or lan ) go down and you don't use this package, you will lose all notification and is a good chance that logs will be overwritten until connection is fixed.
And in my case I am using it also as a backup (mx2) for primary mail server (mx1) that is on another location… -
That are great news! Thank YOU! :)