LCDProc 0.5.4-dev
This is the method that i use for LCDproc to work on a Watchguard x550e , x750e and x1250e
after a CLEAN install of pfSense.1 ) Download and install WinSCP (we need this at the end) : ) Download and extract the zip with the LCDproc files from the attachment of this reply
3 ) Login with the Web UI in your Watchguard device and go to :
Diagnostics -> command prompt4 ) Install the package Freetype by copypaste this line :
pkg add
Click execute and wait a few seconds5 ) Install the package LCDproc by copypaste this line :
pkg add
Click execute and wait till it complets (less then a minute)6 ) Enable Secure Shell by going to Web UI :
System -> Advanced and enable "Secure Shell Server" and save7 ) Start WinSCP and use these settings :
Fileprotocol :SFTP
IP-adress: (IP of your Watchguard)
Port : 22
Username : root
Password : pfsensepfsense is the default password, change this by your password if different
8 ) In WinSCP you have on your left side a colum with the contents of your local pc filesystem,
and on the right the pfSense filesystem.
Browse on the left to the folder you previously downloaded,
and copy these files by drag and drop : -> /usr/local/pkg/
lcdproc.xml -> /usr/local/pkg/
lcdproc_client.php -> /usr/local/pkg/
lcdproc_screens.xml -> /usr/local/pkg/ -> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
In the Web UI go to diagnostics -> Backup & Restore
and select "Packagemanager under Restore Area.
Browse to the file installedpackages.xml from the zip you downloaded. -
Reboot your Watchguard
If your LCD screen is not show any information,then go to :
Services -> LCDproc
And unselect "enable LCDproc" and save.
Select "enable LCDproc" and save.
After this, go to Status -> Services
and restart the LCDproc by clicking halfround circle icon
LCDproc shall now be working.The zip contains the files Timotl provides in this reply ->
and i added my installedpackages.xml config file to it instead of the instructions on modifying your config file.
In this installedpackages.xml config file there also the settings for Shellcmd and WGXepc packages.Good luck ;-)
DeLorean -
Is anyone attempting to convert the LCDProc package to 2.3?
Do you use the Shellcmd and WGXexpc packages ?
I can provide you the right files , but i have a configfile which included the settings for these 2 packages also.I think I'm using Shellcmd. How do I know for sure?
Do you use the Shellcmd and WGXexpc packages ?
I can provide you the right files , but i have a configfile which included the settings for these 2 packages also.I think I'm using Shellcmd. How do I know for sure?
Under services, if Shellcmd is installed, then its showing under services.
DeLorean -
Under services, if Shellcmd is installed, then its showing under services.
I think I was wrong then. I don't see Shellcmd under Services menu.
You can make a backup of your entire config,
and try my tutorial.Grtz
DeLorean -
Thanks DeLorean !!! Your methods and explanation from above helped a lot of people. It's working for me well.
I's so confused LOL
Also the package now shows up under services but yet is missing under the installed packages tab.It is not an official pfSense package and will not show up in "installed packages" section of pfSense. Therefore you can't remove/install in in pfSense GUI. It is a freeBSD package, part of the process performed using the steps above was to rig pfSense's GUI to show LCDproc_dev, using xml codes from 2.2.6. Hope this help clear up some confusion.
Thanks DeLorean !!! Your methods and explanation from above helped a lot of people. It's working for me well.
Nice to hear ;)
DeLorean -
This is the method that i use for LCDproc to work on a Watchguard x550e , x750e and x1250e
after a CLEAN install of pfSense.1 ) Download and install WinSCP (we need this at the end) : ) Download and extract the zip with the LCDproc files from the attachment of this reply
3 ) Login with the Web UI in your Watchguard device and go to :
Diagnostics -> command prompt4 ) Install the package Freetype by copypaste this line :
pkg add
Click execute and wait a few seconds5 ) Install the package LCDproc by copypaste this line :
pkg add
Click execute and wait till it complets (less then a minute)6 ) Enable Secure Shell by going to Web UI :
System -> Advanced and enable "Secure Shell Server" and save7 ) Start WinSCP and use these settings :
Fileprotocol :SFTP
IP-adress: (IP of your Watchguard)
Port : 22
Username : root
Password : pfsensepfsense is the default password, change this by your password if different
8 ) In WinSCP you have on your left side a colum with the contents of your local pc filesystem,
and on the right the pfSense filesystem.
Browse on the left to the folder you previously downloaded,
and copy these files by drag and drop : -> /usr/local/pkg/
lcdproc.xml -> /usr/local/pkg/
lcdproc_client.php -> /usr/local/pkg/
lcdproc_screens.xml -> /usr/local/pkg/ -> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
In the Web UI go to diagnostics -> Backup & Restore
and select "Packagemanager under Restore Area.
Browse to the file installedpackages.xml from the zip you downloaded. -
Reboot your Watchguard
If your LCD screen is not show any information,then go to :
Services -> LCDproc
And unselect "enable LCDproc" and save.
Select "enable LCDproc" and save.
After this, go to Status -> Services
and restart the LCDproc by clicking halfround circle icon
LCDproc shall now be working.The zip contains the files Timotl provides in this reply ->
and i added my installedpackages.xml config file to it instead of the instructions on modifying your config file.
In this installedpackages.xml config file there also the settings for Shellcmd and WGXepc packages.Good luck ;-)
DeLoreanoh my god im so happy this worked on my astaro 220 thank you so much!
now i just need the settings to take control of the screen.
ok thanks to several of you guys i was able to get the lcd proc server into my pfsense.
however im not sure as to what settings i should apply for use in a astaro 220
ive searched the net and found conflicting information and after several hours of trial and error i have not got it to work.
any suggestions?
im running pfsense 2.3.2 i386so just a update i got it to work with the watchguard driver on parallel port 1 2 rowes 20 columns 8bit wiring lcdtime port speed default
now i just cant get the backlight to stay on any ideas?
I'm trying to get it to works a S1602b lcd panel on a gteprotect box. I just installed the latest lcdprc package and i don't get it to work.
Looking around i found that this panel uses the hd47780 driver, but I need some assistance on how to identify the port it is using.On services the lcddriver service is running, but, I still get an error "lcdproc: Start client procedure. Error counter: (0)"
Any help will be much appreciatedā¦.
Hi , I tried to run in pfsense 2.3.2 and Astaro 425 , the service is installed but not start
check this page -
Thank You!! DeLorean & Timotl I got this working on my x550e
I had this working under 2.2. Since I upgrade to 2.3.1 this had stopped working.
Thankfully the shell scripts were still there, but the pkg files were missing from /usr/local/pkg/
I was able to restart the lcdproc service from the console with the command "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start" so no reboot needed.
I changed the config from the files to match the recommended settings on this pic. from another LCDproc on firebox thread. -
Is there not an easier way to install this, or have it added to the Package Manager as I am not really a Linux guy.
This is the method that i use for LCDproc to work on a Watchguard x550e , x750e and x1250e
after a CLEAN install of pfSense.1 ) Download and install WinSCP (we need this at the end) : ) Download and extract the zip with the LCDproc files from the attachment of this reply
3 ) Login with the Web UI in your Watchguard device and go to :
Diagnostics -> command prompt4 ) Install the package Freetype by copypaste this line :
pkg add
Click execute and wait a few seconds5 ) Install the package LCDproc by copypaste this line :
pkg add
Click execute and wait till it complets (less then a minute)6 ) Enable Secure Shell by going to Web UI :
System -> Advanced and enable "Secure Shell Server" and save7 ) Start WinSCP and use these settings :
Fileprotocol :SFTP
IP-adress: (IP of your Watchguard)
Port : 22
Username : root
Password : pfsensepfsense is the default password, change this by your password if different
8 ) In WinSCP you have on your left side a colum with the contents of your local pc filesystem,
and on the right the pfSense filesystem.
Browse on the left to the folder you previously downloaded,
and copy these files by drag and drop : -> /usr/local/pkg/
lcdproc.xml -> /usr/local/pkg/
lcdproc_client.php -> /usr/local/pkg/
lcdproc_screens.xml -> /usr/local/pkg/ -> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
In the Web UI go to diagnostics -> Backup & Restore
and select "Packagemanager under Restore Area.
Browse to the file installedpackages.xml from the zip you downloaded. -
Reboot your Watchguard
If your LCD screen is not show any information,then go to :
Services -> LCDproc
And unselect "enable LCDproc" and save.
Select "enable LCDproc" and save.
After this, go to Status -> Services
and restart the LCDproc by clicking halfround circle icon
LCDproc shall now be working.The zip contains the files Timotl provides in this reply ->
and i added my installedpackages.xml config file to it instead of the instructions on modifying your config file.
In this installedpackages.xml config file there also the settings for Shellcmd and WGXepc packages.Good luck ;-)
DeLorean -
Is there not an easier way to install this, or have it added to the Package Manager as I am not really a Linux guy.
The easier way is to upgrade your pfSense to 2.3.3 snapshots and install the package from the Package Manager.
Is there not an easier way to install this, or have it added to the Package Manager as I am not really a Linux guy.
The easier way is to upgrade your pfSense to 2.3.3 snapshots and install the package from the Package Manager.
I upgraded to 2.3.3 snaphot enabled LCDPro after installing it. However it's showing X in the Status / Services. When I try to start it, it fails.
I am supposed to change any of the configuration settings before I enable/start it?
I have a WatchGuard XTM 510
This package absolutely requires proper hardware-dependent configuration, without it, it's just completely useless.
Seems to work fine with the XTM5.
I'm pretty sure the SDEC driver has most of the settings hardcoded but what I have here is:
Enable Checked, obviously
Com port Parallel Port
Display size 2x20
Driver Watchguard Firebox with SDEC
Port speed DefaultThen you must select some screens on the screens tab, whatever you want there but at least one.
great work, thanks!
it is possible to add the driver for the ax89063 Display?
It is used e.g. by NA-820 (
it would be great for me :-)
thanks!Hi, there are a couple of drivers around for that display, but it is not included in the LCDProc distribution. We could add it as an "external driver" like the nexcom driver.
Can you compile it on FreeBSD (x86)? In this case I could just add the file you send me ( and add the option to use it in the codeā¦
I updated the original Makefile to get it working with lcdproc 0.5.7. The forked repo ( also contains the compiled driver.