Asterisk 1.8 package
IIRC, /var is flushed every reboot, so it need to me recreated during package sync/startup
Is that supposed to be a good thing?
there is a type on that post,
So it needs to be recreated during package sync/startup/boot as it's a memory file system on nanobsd.
there is a type on that post,
So it needs to be recreated during package sync/startup/boot as it's a memory file system on nanobsd.
OK, I wasn't aware this was about nanobsd… Missed that part somehow.
When I restarted my pfSense the gui was no longer available and I am also getting the db warning…
Unable to re-open master file /var/log/asterisk//cdr-csv//Master.csv : No such file or directorycheck on if it's checking/creating the /var/db folder
Nope, it's not creating that on the .inc the .inc file says to replace whatever it's there with /tmp (which I changed it to /usr/local/db/asterisk but it's not taking it..
Here is what it says when I go to Status / Asterisk
PBX Core settings ----------------- Version: Build Options: LOADABLE_MODULES Maximum calls: Not set Maximum open file handles: Not set Verbosity: 0 Debug level: 0 Maximum load average: 0.000000 Startup time: 00:44:21 Last reload time: 00:44:30 System: FreeBSD/8.1-RELEASE-p5 built by root on i386 2012-01-15 05:07:25 UTC System name: Entity ID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Default language: en Language prefix: Enabled User name and group: / Executable includes: Disabled Transcode via SLIN: Enabled Internal timing: Disabled Transmit silence during rec: Disabled Generic PLC: Enabled * Subsystems ------------- Manager (AMI): Enabled Web Manager (AMI/HTTP): Enabled Call data records: Enabled Realtime Architecture (ARA): Disabled * Directories ------------- Configuration file: Configuration directory: /usr/local/etc/asterisk Module directory: /usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules Spool directory: /var/spool/asterisk Log directory: /var/log/asterisk Run/Sockets directory: /var/run/asterisk PID file: /var/run/asterisk/ VarLib directory: /usr/local/share/asterisk Data directory: /usr/local/share/asterisk ASTDB: /var/db/asterisk/astdb IAX2 Keys directory: /usr/local/share/asterisk/keys AGI Scripts directory: /usr/local/share/asterisk/agi-bin
(asterisk package with nanobsd installation)
the problem :Unable to re-open master file /var/log/asterisk//cdr-csv//Master.csv : No such file or directory
has been solved with the shellcmd package, i have created 3 shellcmd :
mkdir /var/log/asterisk && chmod 0766 /var/log/asterisk shellcmd mkdir /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv && chmod 0766 /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv shellcmd chown -R asterisk:wheel /var/log/asterisk shellcmd
It is hardcoded but the message has gone… and now i can see the call history until a reboot.
But now i would like to make things persistent :
1/ to copy a saved Master.csv (and eventualy astdb) on startup to /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv
using shellcmd seems the best solution (but it would be more accurate to do this on service startup?)
2/ to save Master.csv (an eventually astdb) from memory to my sdcard periodicaly (every day?)
using cron package seems the best solution
3/ to save Master.csv (an eventually astdb) from memory to my sdcard on shutdown or asterisk service stop
NO idea on how to do it a good solution or am i completly wrong?
I'm very happy with pfsense/asterisk and I'm planing to migrate my (little) asterisk server (dockstar + debian lenny+asterisk 1.6) to my pfsense box !
@m4f1050 : you should try to edit asterisk.conf and modify by hand the directories to /tmp (on nanobsd of course)
@m4f1050 : you should try to edit asterisk.conf and modify by hand the directories to /tmp (on nanobsd of course)
Just tried… updated asterisk.conf back to /tmp, restarted service = no go, reloaded sip and other option = no go, restarted service again = no go... Im baffled..
You can try to start asterisk from the shell prompt (/usr/local/sbin/asterisk) and then see what happens…
look at the contents of asterisk.conf before and after starting asterisk : it should not change, because the changes in asterisk.conf are made only one time or when reinstalling-refreshing-resyncing ?- the package(someone correct me if i'm wrong).
If it work then it could be a problem with file permission (because when you start it from shell it start as root).
After that if you try to start/stop from the gui then you will have permissions problems (from gui it starts as asterisk) so you should reboot (or make some chown/chmod to files/directories created in /tmp and /var/log). -
I stopped asterisk from GUI. Edited the asterisk.conf file and put /tmp for the astdb file, ssh'd and started asterisk, checked back the file and it was still /tmp.
On status/asterisk from GUI it still shows: /var/db/asterisk/astdb
What is the content of your asterisk.conf (/usr/local/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf)?
Do you have this at the beginning?[directories] astetcdir => /usr/local/etc/asterisk astmoddir => /usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules astvarlibdir => /usr/local/share/asterisk astdbdir => /tmp astkeydir => /usr/local/share/asterisk astdatadir => /usr/local/share/asterisk astagidir => /usr/local/share/asterisk/agi-bin astspooldir => /tmp astrundir => /var/run/asterisk astlogdir => /var/log/asterisk
I remember that when i edit this file i see that the first line was
directories and not [directories]
so i changed it… -
What is the content of your asterisk.conf (/usr/local/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf)?
Do you have this at the beginning?[directories] astetcdir => /usr/local/etc/asterisk astmoddir => /usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules astvarlibdir => /usr/local/share/asterisk astdbdir => /tmp astkeydir => /usr/local/share/asterisk astdatadir => /usr/local/share/asterisk astagidir => /usr/local/share/asterisk/agi-bin astspooldir => /tmp astrundir => /var/run/asterisk astlogdir => /var/log/asterisk
I remember that when i edit this file i see that the first line was
directories and not [directories]
so i changed it…Yup, it has the (!)
[directories](!) astetcdir => /usr/local/etc/asterisk astmoddir => /usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules astvarlibdir => /usr/local/share/asterisk astdbdir => /tmp astkeydir => /usr/local/share/asterisk astdatadir => /usr/local/share/asterisk astagidir => /usr/local/share/asterisk/agi-bin astspooldir => /tmp astrundir => /var/run/asterisk astlogdir => /var/log/asterisk
Removing the (!) now to see if it works…
Hmmm! That seems to have done's now /tmp/astdb
Maybe add to the installer the removal of (!)
Wonder if I can set it to /usr/local/db/asterisk now....EDIT:
I left it at /tmp ... here is my log: (cleared it before starting asterisk)
[Jul 22 11:08:19] NOTICE[62646] cdr.c: CDR simple logging enabled. [Jul 22 11:08:19] NOTICE[62646] loader.c: 207 modules will be loaded. [Jul 22 11:08:19] NOTICE[62646] res_odbc.c: res_odbc loaded. [Jul 22 11:08:19] NOTICE[62646] res_smdi.c: No SMDI interfaces are available to listen on, not starting SMDI listener. [Jul 22 11:08:20] NOTICE[62646] config.c: Registered Config Engine curl [Jul 22 11:08:20] NOTICE[62646] res_config_ldap.c: No directory user found, anonymous binding as default. [Jul 22 11:08:20] ERROR[62646] res_config_ldap.c: No directory URL or host found. [Jul 22 11:08:20] ERROR[62646] res_config_ldap.c: Cannot load LDAP RealTime driver. [Jul 22 11:08:20] ERROR[62646] res_config_sqlite.c: unable to open database: /var/lib/asterisk/sqlite.db
I know I forced a pkg… openldap-client-2.4.23.tbz So that could be causing my "ldap" errors. Going reinstall pfsense 2.0.1 and then install the asterisk pkg to get rid of that error...
After about a minute it started showing in Status / Asterisk and added this to the log:
[Jul 22 11:09:35] ERROR[62646] res_config_pgsql.c: PostgreSQL RealTime: Failed to connect database asterisk on [Jul 22 11:09:35] WARNING[62646] res_config_pgsql.c: PostgreSQL RealTime: Couldn't establish connection. Check debug. [Jul 22 11:09:35] NOTICE[62646] config.c: Registered Config Engine pgsql [Jul 22 11:09:35] NOTICE[62646] config.c: Registered Config Engine odbc [Jul 22 11:09:35] NOTICE[62646] chan_skinny.c: Configuring skinny from skinny.conf [Jul 22 11:09:35] NOTICE[62646] cdr_radius.c: Cannot load radiusclient-ng configuration file /etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf. [Jul 22 11:09:35] NOTICE[62646] cdr_sqlite.c: This module has been marked deprecated in favor of using cdr_sqlite3_custom. [Jul 22 11:09:35] WARNING[62646] cel_pgsql.c: CEL pgsql config file missing global section. [Jul 22 11:09:35] NOTICE[62646] cel_radius.c: Cannot load radiusclient-ng configuration file /etc/radiusclient-ng/radiusclient.conf. [Jul 22 11:09:35] NOTICE[62646] cel_tds.c: cel_tds has no global category, nothing to configure. [Jul 22 11:09:35] WARNING[62646] cel_tds.c: cel_tds module had config problems; declining load [Jul 22 11:09:36] WARNING[62646] chan_unistim.c: Your OS does not support IP_PKTINFO, you must set public_ip. [Jul 22 11:09:36] ERROR[62646] res_clialiases.c: res_clialiases configuration file 'cli_aliases.conf' not found [Jul 22 11:09:36] NOTICE[62646] pbx_ael.c: Starting AEL load process. [Jul 22 11:09:36] NOTICE[62646] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: parsed config file name '/usr/local/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Jul 22 11:09:36] NOTICE[62646] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: checked config file name '/usr/local/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Jul 22 11:09:36] NOTICE[62646] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: compiled config file name '/usr/local/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Jul 22 11:09:36] NOTICE[62646] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: merged config file name '/usr/local/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'. [Jul 22 11:09:36] NOTICE[62646] pbx_ael.c: AEL load process: verified config file name '/usr/local/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'.
I have also some messages about ldap and other .conf files missing, i think it's due to a lot of modules being loaded (autoload module as default?)… It can be solved by not loading the modules that we don't use in our configuration (not a bug, it's normal that the standard installation use autoload of modules)
I'm not in production with asterisk but i will in a short time and i'm going to tweak my installation and the .conf files to not load the modules that i do not use.
if you have this message just after a call :
Unable to re-open master file /var/log/asterisk//cdr-csv//Master.csv : No such file or directory
go to see :,47210.msg274214.html#msg274214@marcelloc
is it normal that the /usr/local/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf files comes with "directories" at the beginning ?
Generaly the (!) is used for template purpose in sip.conf but it seems to be problematic when used in asterisk.conf… -
I have also some messages about ldap and other .conf files missing, i think it's due to a lot of modules being loaded (autoload module as default?)… It can be solved by not loading the modules that we don't use in our configuration (not a bug, it's normal that the standard installation use autoload of modules)
I'm not in production with asterisk but i will in a short time and i'm going to tweak my installation and the .conf files to not load the modules that i do not use.
if you have this message just after a call :
Unable to re-open master file /var/log/asterisk//cdr-csv//Master.csv : No such file or directory
go to see :,47210.msg274214.html#msg274214Yeah, I noticed it kept showing the errors. Please let me know when you configure your asterisk, I would love to see the config files (removing any personal information of course.)
is it normal that the /usr/local/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf files comes with "directories" at the beginning ?
Generaly the (!) is used for template purpose in sip.conf but it seems to be problematic when used in asterisk.conf…Wonder if we can run a script that replaces values (and stores a temp config file on i.e. /tmp) then have asterisk read from this /tmp/.conf file? We can then use other symbols, i.e. replace the (!) with [!] and have the script translate it to (!) or compile asterisk to look for something else? (Is it asterisk the one doing the conf file reading?)
Just installed Asterisk packages on pfSense 2.0.1. I can't find the GUI for it. Is there a GUI for it? It would be great if the description for each package tells you which menu the newly installed package goes under. If there is no GUI, the community available tool is the status_asterisk.php file?
It's on status menu.
If you can't see it, maybe you need to reinstall the package.
I see it upon re-install.
It would also be nice to have the "module show" command or even better the possibility to type commands (like with the fivn asterisk management "command" menu)
Replying to my self.
To execute all sort of asterisk CLI command, we just have to type it in the browser as a link :
https://MyPfsense_Url/asterisk_cmd.php ==> will execute the default command "core show sttings"
https://MyPfsense_Url/asterisk_cmd.php?cmd=module+show ==> Will execute "module show"
https://MyPfsense_Url/asterisk_cmd.php?cmd=core+show+help ==> Will execute "core show help" giving the list off available CLI commands…
(not all commands cause it seems to display a limited numbers of characters...) -
I hope this is the right place to ask this question because I just found this thread. I am setting up an Asterisk box with a Digium TDM400P with two FXOs and two FXSs so I can tie in POTS and house phones with VOIP. My original aim was to have a separate pfSense gateway to control access. Now, having seen this thread, I'm wondering if I wouldn't have the same functionality with only one host. I would need to move the TDM400P to the pfSense box (and install DAHDI drivers) and I would probably use a browser for Asterisk configuration anyway. Is all of this currently feasible? Thanks!
I have some packages compiled on my personal repo but take a look on all this thread to get additional info.
I don't think pfsense is the right place for a voip boad. The idea of this package was to be usefull as a sip gateway/firewall.
Anyone has a port of zaptel driver for FreeBSD-8.1? I'd like to use a X100P FXO PCI card on my pfSense box, but it's not even listed in dmesg…