Sarg package for pfsense
reinstalling only.
[SOLVED] i also experience if i set up a schedule, and do a 'Force Update Now' i get no report, telling me:
Error: Could not find report index file. Check sarg settings and try to force sarg schedule.
in system logs i see:
Apr 10 15:55:45 php: /pkg_edit.php: The command '/usr/local/bin/sarg ' returned exit code '1', the output was 'SARG: Records in file: 174067, reading: 0.00%^MSARG: Maybe you have a broken date in your /var/log/dansguardian/access.log file SARG: getword_atoll loop detected after 2 bytes. SARG: Line="xx.xx.xx.xx http" SARG: Record="xx.xx.xx.xx http" SARG: searching for 'x2f''
i deleted access.log and restarted dansguradian, everythings fine again. :)
For this, I tried to select all in General->Reports Options.
- 7 days later
My sarg stopped working (not creating daily reports) after update to 2.1RC0
Using squid. Schedule says
Status Update Frequency Aditional Args Gzip Post Action Description
on 24h none 24hrWhen opening reports view it doesn't show the latest (29th of may). Strange thing is it does show creation date of today when I do full update? but the date stays the same?
As you can see I changed schedule from 1h to 24h (I need daily reports not hourly)Any idea's how to resolve this? What are the correct settings for squid3 and sarg? Is there a howto or readme available? Action after schedule is set to none (default) but in screenshots in this topic I see it set to rotate log?
Can anybody provide me with a screenshot of there schedule? I just want daily reports of proxy access.
Enable report overwrite to avoid multiples reports in the same day.
It looks like you didn't enabled(or disabled) squid logs after may 26.
I tried to install SARG some times but always got problem Segmentation fault (Core dumped)
Here is log of sarg -x. Anyone experienced with this issue, please help. Thanks.[2.0.3-RELEASE][root@pfSense.localdomain]/usr/local(34): sarg -x
SARG: Init
SARG: Loading configuration from /usr/local/etc/sarg/sarg.conf
SARG: Loading exclude host file from: /usr/local/etc/sarg/exclude_hosts.conf
SARG: Loading exclude file from: /usr/local/etc/sarg/exclude_users.conf
SARG: Reading host alias file "/usr/local/etc/sarg/hostalias"
SARG: List of host names to alias:
SARG: Deleting temporary directory "/tmp/sarg"
SARG: Parameters:
SARG: Hostname or IP address (-a) =
SARG: Useragent log (-b) =
SARG: Exclude file (-c) = /usr/local/etc/sarg/exclude_hosts. conf
SARG: Date from-until (-d) =
SARG: Email address to send reports (-e) =
SARG: Config file (-f) = /usr/local/etc/sarg/sarg.conf
SARG: Date format (-g) = Europe (dd/mm/yyyy)
SARG: IP report (-i) = No
SARG: Keep temporary files (-k) = No
SARG: Input log (-l) = /var/squid/log/access.log
SARG: Resolve IP Address (-n) = No
SARG: Output dir (-o) = /usr/local/sarg-reports/
SARG: Use Ip Address instead of userid (-p) = Yes
SARG: Accessed site (-s) =
SARG: Time (-t) =
SARG: User (-u) =
SARG: Temporary dir (-w) = /tmp/sarg
SARG: Debug messages (-x) = Yes
SARG: Process messages (-z) = No
SARG: Previous reports to keep (–lastlog) = 0
SARG: sarg version: 2.3.6 Arp-21-2013
SARG: Reading access log file: /var/squid/log/access.log
SARG: Records in file: 874, reading: 100.00%
SARG: Records read: 874, written: 874, excluded: 0
SARG: Squid log format
SARG: Period: 30 May 2013
SARG: File /usr/local/sarg-reports/30May2013-30May2013 already exists, moved to /usr/local/sarg-reports/30May2013-30May2013.18
SARG: Sorting log /tmp/sarg/10_48_14_29.user_unsort
Segmentation fault (core dumped) - 9 days later
Maybe you have changed date format in General tab. That was my problem. It works in default but not in European.
I installed SARG on my box numerous times, following various threads on how to get it to work. I did get it to work, and wanted to start over, so deleted the files it created. Upon doing this, it would not recreate them, even with the indexing options toggled on.
A few more uninstalls and pkg_deletes and pkg_adds later, both from command and anyterm, still left it non working. Even when SARG from anyterm would return no errors, it would not create the index files.
There was however a graph error, which I turned graphing off in the config. And one other error, which was```
php: /pkg_edit.php: The command '/usr/local/bin/sarg ' returned exit code '1', the output was 'SARG: Unknown sort criterion "SITE" for parameter "topuser_sort_field"'Inspecting the SARG config, you see this``` # TAG: topuser_sort_field field normal/reverse # Sort field for the Topuser Report. # Allowed fields: USER CONNECT BYTES TIME # topuser_sort_field SITE NORMAL
The default should be```
TAG: topuser_sort_field field normal/reverse
# Sort field for the Topuser Report.
# Allowed fields: USER CONNECT BYTES TIME#topuser_sort_field BYTES reverse
It is interesting that I uninstalled the SARG pkg, made sure the sarg.conf file was gone, installed SARG again, and prior to running it checked to make sure the sarg.conf file was still absent. Then I started SARG and clicked save using the default options. The sarg.conf file still contained that SITE NORMAL value. So my error was complaining about the SITE value evidentily not being valid, although something sets it that way even if you do nothing. Unless my install has gone flaky. Don't know if anyone needs to know that, but once I manually changed that from site to USER or BYTES that particular error stopped and now I am getting this error
php: /pkg_edit.php: The command '/usr/local/bin/sarg ' returned exit code '1', the output was 'SARG: Records in file: 31355, reading: 0.00%^MSARG: Records in file: 5000, reading: 15.95%^MSARG: Records in file: 10000, reading: 31.89%^MSARG: Records in file: 15000, reading: 47.84%^MSARG: Records in file: 20000, reading: 63.79%^MSARG: Records in file: 25000, reading: 79.73%^MSARG: Records in file: 30000, reading: 95.68%^MSARG: cannot open /usr/local/sarg-reports/2013/06/04-09/sarg-date for writing SARG:: No such file or directory SARG: Records in file: 31355, reading: 100.00%'
Thats ok though, the more I bang away on getting this to work, the more I learn about unix based stuff in general. I've just enough geek in me to persevere lol.
Finally got SARG to work again. In my case /conf/config.xml for some reason has SITE used as the <user_sort_field>although I had never messed with the users values at all. Modifying this, via the GUI back to BYTES solved that issue.
Does anyone know if SARG actually works with squidGuard logs? I don't see any denied sites there. If you log the ACL, perhaps SARG does not read those, so you must enable logging on each target category? I accessed sites that were blocked by squidguard for certain, and are in the block.log, but SARG doesn't show any menu for denied sites, nor do I see a way to tell what connections have are from squid or squidguard.
In the sarg.conf file the path to the squidguard block log is correct. Is there something that I am missing that needs to be done here?</user_sort_field>
Does anyone know if SARG actually works with squidGuard logs? I don't see any denied sites there.
2.3.6 yes, there were bugs that as crashing sarg on previous versions
I have been using Sarge with Squid for months, all working fine across two seperate sites. Reports created daily, just after midnight for the previous day.
On one site I have just added a second interface, and enabled this in squid as the "bind to interface" option.
I then thought perhaps I should check the sarge settings, and checked them, and clicked save, not changing a thing. Now I don't get any reports generated, just the
"Error: Could not find report index file.
Check and save sarg settings and try to force sarg schedule."error message.
I have checked and saved the settings a few times, tried to force the update, waited 24hr etc.
Any ideas how to get this back up and running?
Now I don't get any reports generated, just the
"Error: Could not find report index file.
Check and save sarg settings and try to force sarg schedule."error message.
I have checked and saved the settings a few times, tried to force the update, waited 24hr etc.
Any ideas how to get this back up and running?
What I have learned is to check the sarg config file, and manually edit the values to what you want and then force the update. If this works, then inspect the GUI and see what is setting values the give conflict. In my case it was a value that I had not set, but was written to the config and caused error.
Also you can look at the system log and see different errors sarg returns. Thats how I started tracking down my errors with sarg.
I recall being here before now, and to fix it, I installed CRON, and edited the sarg entry. The entry was for midnight, for the previous day, but was set for the actual day, so changing it to 23:59 gets it working again.
- 2 months later
SARG: Init
SARG: Loading configuration from /usr/local/etc/sarg/sarg.conf
SARG: Loading exclude host file from: /usr/local/etc/sarg/exclude_hosts.conf
SARG: Loading exclude file from: /usr/local/etc/sarg/exclude_users.conf
SARG: Reading host alias file "/usr/local/etc/sarg/hostalias"
SARG: List of host names to alias:
SARG: Deleting temporary directory "/tmp/sarg"
SARG: Parameters:
SARG: Hostname or IP address (-a) =
SARG: Useragent log (-b) =
SARG: Exclude file (-c) = /usr/local/etc/sarg/exclude_hosts.conf
SARG: Date from-until (-d) =
SARG: Email address to send reports (-e) =
SARG: Config file (-f) = /usr/local/etc/sarg/sarg.conf
SARG: Date format (-g) = Europe (dd/mm/yyyy)
SARG: IP report (-i) = No
SARG: Keep temporary files (-k) = No
SARG: Input log (-l) = /var/squid/logs/access.log
SARG: Resolve IP Address (-n) = No
SARG: Output dir (-o) = /usr/local/sarg-reports/
SARG: Use Ip Address instead of userid (-p) = No
SARG: Accessed site (-s) =
SARG: Time (-t) =
SARG: User (-u) =
SARG: Temporary dir (-w) = /tmp/sarg
SARG: Debug messages (-x) = Yes
SARG: Process messages (-z) = No
SARG: Previous reports to keep (–lastlog) = 0
SARG: sarg version: 2.3.6 Arp-21-2013
SARG: Reading access log file: /var/squid/logs/access.log
SARG: Records in file: 99, reading: 100.00%
SARG: Records read: 99, written: 99, excluded: 0
SARG: Squid log format
SARG: Period: 09 Aug 2013
SARG: File /usr/local/sarg-reports/09Aug2013-09Aug2013 already exists, moved to /usr/local/sarg-reports/09Aug2013-09Aug2013.1
SARG: Sorting log /tmp/sarg/0.user_unsort
SARG: Making file: /tmp/sarg/0
SARG: Sorting log /tmp/sarg/1.user_unsort
SARG: Making file: /tmp/sarg/1
SARG: Sorting log /tmp/sarg/2.user_unsort
SARG: Making file: /tmp/sarg/2
SARG: Sorting log /tmp/sarg/3.user_unsort
SARG: Making file: /tmp/sarg/3
SARG: Sorting log /tmp/sarg/4.user_unsort
SARG: Making file: /tmp/sarg/4
SARG: Sorting log /tmp/sarg/5.user_unsort
SARG: Making file: /tmp/sarg/5
SARG: Sorting log /tmp/sarg/6.user_unsort
SARG: Making file: /tmp/sarg/6
SARG: Sorting log /tmp/sarg/7.user_unsort
SARG: Making file: /tmp/sarg/7
SARG: Sorting log /tmp/sarg/8.user_unsort
SARG: Making file: /tmp/sarg/8
SARG: Sorting log /tmp/sarg/9.user_unsort
SARG: Making file: /tmp/sarg/9
SARG: Cannot delete "/usr/local/sarg-reports/09Aug2013-09Aug2013/d8.html": No such file or directoryHi all!! I'm trying to run SARG. But when run it. i have this error. I tried to remove all files and remove sarg-reports directory. But still having with the same problem.
do you have Any idea what happening?
Thanks a lot!
- 13 days later
Hi all,
I had this problem too:
" Error: Could not find report index file.
Check and save sarg settings and try to force sarg schedule."A working solution for me was :
Report Options :
user graphics
remove temporary files
generate the main index
generate the index tree
overwrite report
use comma instead pint in reports
show de downloaded volume ond date/time reportsReport to generate:
select all
Schedule :
Sarg args: -d
date +%d/%m/%Y
-date +%d/%m/%Y
frequency: 4hFORCE UPDATE NOW
and that-s it!
- 13 days later
got the same error as the other folks around here. The link below fixed the issue.
basically, the "date_time_by" parameter on the config file does not have the value needed. Either use "date_time_by bytes" or just comment out the line.
Well I freshly installed Squid3 + HAVP and SARG reports and now I get this:
php: /pkg_edit.php: The command '/usr/pbi/sarg-i386/bin/sarg ' returned exit code '1', the output was 'SARG: Cannot set the locale LC_ALL to the environment variable'
Any idea?
Have you encountered this problem with sargI installed the package sarg
I adjusted it
It worked just fine
I do not know what I did
But somehow sarg generates only 10 reportsThe package is directed to a new report every hour
And maintain 24 Recent reports
When the 25th hour report comes the report of the of the first hour deletedNow for some reason
There are only 10 reports
Some old 5 daysWhat could be the problem?,66031.0.html
Here is a screenshot of the same day I did the other screenshot from the first Message
Taken second screen is from today
According to settings the report should be maintained 24 hours and erased
As you can see it does not happen
First of all should be more reports
Second report Oldest supposed to be a 24 hour old
If the question disturbs thread
Please delete - 13 days later
upgrade to 2.1 and installing sarg
i can see in the system log:php: /pkg_edit.php: Sarg: force refresh now with args, compress() and none action after sarg finish.
php: /pkg_edit.php: The command '/usr/pbi/sarg-i386/bin/sarg ' returned exit code '1', the output was 'SARG: Cannot set the locale LC_ALL to the environment variable'But no report is generated
Does anybody know whats wrong ?
regards max -
I've updated package today to 0.6.2.
I'll test again if I missed something.
my /usr/pbi/sarg-amd64/etc/sarg/sarg.conf is working fine :(
i tried to run from ssh and i found out that (some) SARG:TAG: make troubles…
after set a comment # in front of a lot of tags it works now...have now only this TAG's
SARG: TAG: access_log /var/squid/logs/access.log SARG: TAG: output_dir /usr/local/sarg-reports SARG: TAG: resolve_ip no SARG: TAG: user_ip no SARG: TAG: index no SARG: TAG: overwrite_report no SARG: TAG: privacy no SARG: TAG: dansguardian_conf SARG: TAG: denied_report_limit 0 SARG: TAG: sorttable /sarg_sorttable.js SARG: Deleting temporary directory "/tmp/sarg"
(change something in the sarg config –> restore defect config )
It's realy hard to find out who is (are) the fault one.
But run from web i get still the "Cannot set the locale LC_ALL..." error
readers max
months ago I configured sarg on a test fw proxy server with squid+squidguard.
I remember "denied sites" were "highlighted" on userid reports by the string "DENIED" placed on right side of denied url, outside the last column(%TIME).Now I cannot reproduce this feature on my production proxy.
I activated every log option on squid and squidguard: I can see denied sites on squidguard log, but no "DENIED" string appear on sarg report.
Moreover I can't find any "Denied sites" report despite I have enabled that option on "report to generate" section of general tab.Do you have any idea/same problem?
Thank you in advance