Latest dev. iso hase broken PHP
As i wrote here:,4775.0.html
I tried to do the reinstall but after successful bootup i got a menu (which is different now) with error:
Fatal Error: Call to undefined function: bindtext domain() in etc/inc/config.i
written on the screen.Most of the options don't work, bunch of errors scrolls down the screen and then i get menu back. However shell does work and if i do somth like:
echo "echo 123;" > /tmp/1.php
php /tmp/1.php
i get many errors most of them like:
"PHP Warning: Unknovn(): Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429/*.so"Looks like some settings in php.ini are wrong.
In /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/ there is another dir with more current date: 20060603 and has more .so modules in it so it might needs to be set to this one.With every dev. cd release it gets worse :-)
12 May dev.iso was not building anything for me - giving me
"install: not: No such file or directory" error alsoI am now trying with the iso dated created on 14 May.
Did it work? :-)
Devel iso is now removed: :-) -
lost electricity so dont know. will try again.