Problem with adding extra load balancer/pool settings
Firstly, my pfsense details :-
Version 2.1-BETA0 (amd64)
built on Thu Nov 8 06:41:07 EST 2012
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p4I have two pfsense boxes, 'a' and 'b'. 'b' is a failover with sync'ed config from 'a'. This is working well.
I host a number of websites on an identical pair of servers. I have several load balancer setups to handle these different websites so that they are forwarded to the webserver on a specific port, depending on the site in question. I then have lighttpd handle these requests as necessary.
I have had to add three new load balanced configs for three new websites I am now hosting. I have set these up in an identical way to the others, which are, and have always, worked without issues. My problem is that trying to go to these new websites initially produced the standard "DNS Rebinding" error screen. I have got round this by adding a tick into the following two parameters and restarting webConfigurator :-
<system><advanced><webconfigurator><webgui redirect=""><system><advanced><webconfigurator><dns rebind="" check="">I now get the pfsense gui login screen when trying to access the new websites. Better than the nasty rebind message, but still not right.
Looking at the status of the load balancer, <status><load balancer="">, I can see that in the Pools tab, my three new pools show up as red, not green like all the others. Looking at the Virtual Servers tab, it shows that the SSL servers are down, but the standard http servers are up.
I have confirmed that my webservers are checking on the new ports.
My Pools tab screen show the following :-
ak_ssl448 Load balancing (0.00%) (0.00%)
quint_ssl449 Load balancing (0.00%) (0.00%)
admportal_ssl450 Load balancing (0.00%) (0.00%)My virtual servers tab screen shows the following :-
akport80 x.x.x.77 : 80 Active
ak_ssl x.x.x.77 : 443 Down
quintport80 x.x.x.76 : 80 Active
quint_ssl x.x.x.76 : 443 Down
admportalport80 x.x.x.78 : 80 Active
admportal_ssl x.x.x.78 : 443 DownI have tried removing the new load balancers and adding them again, but still get the same result.
What have I done wrong ? All the previous load balancers worked first time, but these last three are giving me major grief and the websites need to be up ASAP.
If I have not supplied sufficient information, please let me know.