Pptp with IPV6 address !! is it possible ?
hi all ,
i have a public ipv6 addresses and need to deploy real ipv6 address to my vpn clients using pptp.it that possible with pfsense ?
if so ,
wt required packages are needed ? since i couldnt find anyway on pfsense to add ipv6 pool or prefix.
my system is
2.1.3-RELEASE (i386)
built on Thu May 01 15:52:17 EDT 2014
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p16with my best regards
No, it's not possible.
For an IPv6 remote access VPN, your best bet currently is OpenVPN.
PPTP is dead. Forget it exists.
but i dont think that pptp dont use ipv6 …
i googled and found that pptp can support ipv6 -
The protocol itself may have the potential to support IPv6, but with the encryption broken nobody wants to spend time to do anything with it. It's not worth anyone's time. Use a different VPN type.
i understand you.
its just for educational purposes and its easy since it dont require software on the clients.