DynamicDNS should allow "@" at hostname
I opened the following issue into pfSense
But ain't got any replies. Could somebody help?
No-ip has the ability to update one of several IP addresses of a round-robin DNS A record. This is done adding a "@<label>" suffix at hostname. Eg.
myhost@mydomain.no-ip.com@label2However, trying to add such hostname in services_dyndns_edit.php results in the following error:
The following input errors were detected:
The Hostname contains invalid characters.
Confirmed on pfSense 2.1.5
BTW, where these configs are stored? Could I change them directly via Diagnostics / Edit File? It would be a good workaround, for now.</label>
If you want to get around it in the short term, just go change the PHP code for the page. Sounds like a pretty easy fix… If you're really ambitious, figure out how to setup GIT and push a change back to the team!!!
The joy of using an open source firewall ;D
DOOOH! I can't believe I didn't think of that! ::)
I changed usr\local\www\services_dyndns_edit.php:109 from
if (($_POST['host'] && !is_domain($_POST['host'])))
if (($_POST['host'] && !is_domain(str_replace('@', '', $_POST['host'])))) /* Fixes Bug #3900: allow "@" in hostnames (for No-Ip) */
I'll send a Github pull request for it. Soooo hardcore… 8)
For a little change like that, online-editing in GitHub is easy. You can easily select the file in master and press the pencil to edit, save and pull request. Then repeat for 2.1.x by browsing RELENG_2_1 branch.