DNS-server: Resolution issues with TinyDNS/dnscache
It sounds like it is operating correctly. Per design, TinyDNS does not act as recursive caching server. See this post: http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,7812.0.html
TinyDNS itself doesn't but dnscache (another part of djbdns) is supposed to be doing the recursive lookups. I'm thining this is a config issue or a bug.
See here: http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/dnscache.html
And this is what's running on my pfsense box:
Gtinydns 23922 0.0 0.0 1396 724 ?? I 12:53PM 0:00.01 /usr/local/bin/tinydns root 52631 0.0 0.0 1264 624 ?? I 6:53PM 0:00.01 supervise tinydns root 52633 0.0 0.0 1264 624 ?? S 6:53PM 0:42.81 supervise dnscache Gdnslog 52649 0.0 0.0 1292 656 ?? S 6:53PM 0:04.14 multilog t ./main Gdnslog 52654 0.0 0.0 1276 528 ?? I 6:53PM 0:00.01 multilog t ./main root 3078 0.0 0.1 1596 1048 p0 S+ 2:58PM 0:00.00 grep dns
I'm not super familiar with BSD, but something tells me that "supervise dnscache" doesn't mean that it's running as it is should be.
I am having the same issue. TinyDNS is getting the request for the non auth domain, it's just is not forwarding it. I also have supervise running, don't know what that means.
Turn off the DNS forwarder service?
DNS forwarder service is off.
Okay, the dnscache portions are sorta experimental (is the polite way to put it). Have not heard from the developer for quite a while now that was adding those features.
Ok, thanks for the response. I'm still a bsd noob, but i will see what i can do to get it working. What does the supervise mean?
That is the DJB way. I suggest reading up on the "DJB" way :)
Anyone ever figure out some new info about this one?
I'm also seeing this problem.
I have to disable DNS forwarding to get tinydns to correctly bind to the interface and start. With DNS forwarder disabled I get no external resolution. Re-enable DNS forwarder, and disable tinydns and external resolution comes back.