After Upgrade 2.2: Custom Captive Portal Page wth User/Password not working
Hi there!
I searched here and on the web but could not find anything. So here goes nothing or back to the old version:
I am running the Captive Portal with a Voucher System. I also have a link to another page where my coworkers can log in wth username/password combo.
This worked very well for years (even on the old M0n0wall where I came from) with 2.000+ concurrent Guests on the Vouchers side and about 50 Logins with password.Now, after the upgrade only the Voucher part works.
When the users are entering there credentials after a while comes a timeout and the browser address bar reads: "ipadress:8000/$PORTAL_ACTION$"
In the Logs I found stuff like these here:
Reconfiguring captive portal(nameofCaptivePortal).
Zone: nameofCaptivePortal - Error during table nameofCaptivePortal creation. Error message: file is encrypted or is not a database
The first entry I found multiple times since upgrade, the second entry just now and only twice.
Other then this the upgrade seemed to work well.
Any Ideas?
Read the release docs. There's nothing on port 8000 any more.
Thanks to the quick reply!
I have noted after your message that the page loads with the port 8002. But then gets lost when trying to load on the port 8000.
Your post showed me the right direction. Indeed I had a mis configured Form in one of my Log in Pages.
I had the complete address including the port 8000 as a target instead of just the variable.This however seemed to work till the last Version but the upgrade process seemed to not light this.
Thanks for your help!