NAT port forward fails the first time
I made a screen capture movie. This is a fresh pfsense installation, with 2 network interface added for testing purposes:
Well what did you use to make that fancy video and I could do the same.. But what I can tell you is via openvpn connection.
In my browser I hit pfsense web gui, made port forward, hit apply, then removed port forward and hit apply all while pinging from the remote client a box inside pfsense at, and pfsense lan interface itself at
not 1 ping was lost during the process
And this vpn has to go through a proxy that is in JAX, FL while I'm in downers grove, IL to my home connection in schaumburg, il
@johnpoz, I'm not sure why you can't reproduce this issue but we can reproduce it every single time we hit apply after adding a port forward. This is happening on two of my firewalls and I already did a fresh re-installation on them. Perhaps there's a set of settings that's causing this?
@johnpoz Are you using latest pfsense (2.2-RELEASE amd64)? AFAIK it has nothing to do with OpenVPN.
There seems to be a setting or a constellation, that produces this error.
Yes I am using latest
2.2-RELEASE (amd64)
built on Thu Jan 22 14:03:54 CST 2015
FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p4I didn't say it had to do with openvpn, just stating that to show I am in remote. There is nothing special you should have to do, clearly you have something wrong.. Do you have vmware tools installed? Your on a really OLD build of esxi. OP didn't say either way, might be on hardware?
Your saying it happens on both VB and ESXI?? What is common to those to tests? I can fire up a clean box for testing if need be, but just recently did that to play with actual vmware tools vs opentools and did not see such an issue, etc..
Your on a really OLD build of esxi. OP didn't say either way, might be on hardware?
Your saying it happens on both VB and ESXI?? What is common to those to tests? I can fire up a clean box for testing if need be, but just recently did that to play with actual vmware tools vs opentools and did not see such an issue, etc..
We are using latest build of ESXi 4.1 (1682698), opentools package installed. The testing vm uses latest VirtualBox, also tried with
Good question, what these two platforms have in common, so that they produce this failure.. Perhaps its an issue with esxi 4.1/VirtualBox and freebsd 10.1.
What vNics cards do you use for virtualization?
Everything works perfect and pfsense is really great in many aspects. The only problem is this port-forwarding thing, which I can not resolve. :o -
Huh, you say your running esxi then you say your using virtualbox?? So your running virtual box on a VM? What does vb have to do with it if your on esxi??
4.1 is OLD, 5.5 is current.
I use vmxnet3
Huh, you say your running esxi then you say your using virtualbox?? So your running virtual box on a VM? What does vb have to do with it if your on esxi??
4.1 is OLD, 5.5 is current.
I use vmxnet3
Sorry for the confusion. The esxi 4.1 (or at least 5.1) has to be used, because the machine esxi is installed on is a Dell PowerEdge T300, which does not support 5.5.
The Virtual Box installation is just a test environment, which is running independently on my local workstation, to cross check and debug this problem.Next I will install pfsense on an old server (DELL PowerEdge SC430) with the config.xml from the esxi, adapt the interfaces and see, if the problem also exists without any usage of any virtualization technology.
Can you explain your setup for the pfsense vm setup both esxi and vb. I can fire up a copy of vb and install pfsense.
So for example in my esxi setup related to your setup I have a Wan vswitch that is connected to 1 physical nic. The wan, cable modem is connected to this nic directly. I then have a vswitch Lan. This is connected to a different nic, and this nic connects to my physical switch.
pfsense as wan interface connected to wan vswitch, vmxnet3 and gets public IP from my isp. Its lan vnic is connected to the lan vswitch and has IP on my lan network while my physical pc I use to access pfsense webgui is on
I have the openvm tools installed, but not really required for testing of this issue since pfsense currently supports vmxnet3 out of the box. The tools would have some vm memory management stuff, allow you to send shutdown to the vm via esxi, etc.
I can fire up vb, and its setup would be my lan interface on workstation would be bridged to lan and pfsense wan would be connected and get an IP from my network. I would then use a host only network in vb and that would be lan side and connect to pfsense from my workstation running vb on this network. Since my current lan is the pfsense default I would have to change the pfsense lan interface to something different.
Does this match up with your setup? If not how are you setup?
Does this match up with your setup? If not how are you setup?
Hi. I made further tests, to debug the problem. I installed pfsense on a test-PC (real hardware, not virtual) and restored a backup from the ESXi pfsense setup on this test-PC. Only thing I did to the config.xml is search/replace em0 with vr0 network interface name.
After restore the test-PC came up with no error and this machine acted as a 1:1 clone of the ESXi machine. I made some nat port forwardings on the test-PC and they worked without any error and pfsense worked as expected.
So this brings me to the conclusion, that this problem is not related to pfsense or my setup of pfsense, but with the virtualization technology used.Here are some screenshots of my setup on the ESXi 4.1 server:
(openVM tools package is installed)
Using 'E1000' adapter. Was not able to see vmxnet2 adapter in pfsense. Should vmxnet2 be possible? -
How are you doing port forwarding when your pfsense has 1 interface? So your doing vlans..
Why would you use vmxnet2, pfsense 2.2 has native support for vmxnet3.. Oh maybe your ancient version of esxi does not have vmx3?
How are you doing port forwarding when your pfsense has 1 interface? So your doing vlans..
Why would you use vmxnet2, pfsense 2.2 has native support for vmxnet3.. Oh maybe your ancient version of esxi does not have vmx3?
Yes, using VLans, but only since yesterday. Before using VLans, I had multiple virtual network adapters. Switching to VLans had no influence on the problem, discussed in this thread.
Yes, vmxnet3 is not available under Esxi 4.1. But after reading this I am not sure if this is true. Will have to research more, why vmxnet3 is not showing up in my ESXi 4.1 server.
Edit: ok, seems vmxnet3 adapter is not available, when 'Other'->'Freebsd 64-bit' is chosen as the guest-OS. Seems I have to migrate to ESXi 5.1 ( to make use of vmx-9.
And why wouldn't just go with current 5.5?
And why wouldn't just go with current 5.5?
Our DELL PowerEdge T300 Server is not supported by ESXi 5.5 the free version of ESXi the new 5.5 features, esp. creating/admin of vmx-10 are not accessible without the Web Client, which is is not available for free.
you can admin vmx-10, you can't use vmx-10 with 4.1 can you? All of my machines are vmx10, you get a nag screen says you can not edit/create vmx10 specific features. None of which I am using.
Its not supported why? Because they don't have it on their supported list? they don't have my hp n40l on there either, and works GREAT!
you can admin vmx-10, you can't use vmx-10 with 4.1 can you? All of my machines are vmx10, you get a nag screen says you can not edit/create vmx10 specific features. None of which I am using.
Its not supported why? Because they don't have it on their supported list? they don't have my hp n40l on there either, and works GREAT!
OK - inserted a 5.5 CD into the Dell server. It warns that there are custom VIBs installed (oem-dell-Configuration-VIB, etc). Fear that if I ignore this warning, the migration will fail and ESXi wont boot anymore and so my organisation is fucked (I have .ova backups of all virtual machines and a backup of the esxi config, done with '')
This thread becomes offtpic.. pfsense really pushes me hard, but seems to make me a better sysadmin.. :o :D
well if you have backups what does it matter? I am not a fan of upgrading such a huge jump in tech, there is one thing going from 5.5u1 to update2, etc.. But your jumping from 4.1 to 5.5? I would do clean if it was me.
Worse case you restore to your 4.1 setup.
OK… finally I could solve the problem..
First I upgraded ESXi from 4.1 to 5.1U3. Upgraded pfsense machine to vmx-9. Changed the network adapter to vmixnic3. Did portforwarding test and again same failure.. :/
But ok. I knew, its something with the virtualization and it seems it was not the network adapter... Then I saw, the pfsense machine only has 512MB on memory (also see screenshot above..), which is really low. I increased it to 4GB und Nat port-forwarding works now. -
I doubt the memory was an issue.. My pfsense vm only has 512 and no issues. So why don't you update to 5.5?? I just don't understand why your running old version?
I doubt the memory was an issue.. My pfsense vm only has 512 and no issues. So why don't you update to 5.5?? I just don't understand why your running old version?
I also gave the pfsense machine a 2nd vCPU. Before it only had 1. The Host-machine would offer 4 cpus. Will test tomorrow again, when I am at the office, with/without >=512MB RAM and 1/2 vCPUs.
So why don't you update to 5.5?? I just don't understand why your running old version?
5.1 is supported by VMWare till 2016 ( But ok - will try migration to 5.5 tomorrow. Do you really think it would make that much of a difference? Of course we can better match and compare our installation, if we are running the same hypervisor.