Port forwarding not working (2.2.3)
dude that is great that you sent me login and password in pm.. But what IP?
That is not listening on 80 or 443..
but is on 81 – which hits your dvr
I did a scan - and you have something in front of pfsense doing something - because that is not a pfsense box looks on a scan with nmap.. Your showing filtered on 135 for example.. Why would 53 tcp be open.
I would love to login and take a look - but you did not give me the details to do so.
Ok your fixed up - dude you had captive portal on.. Going to look if that is listed in the port forwarding troubleshooting.. How is the server suppose to talk back? So I put the mac of that box you were forwarding to in the mac pass section, where you had your dad listed.
Now I hit your IP on 80 and get login page
Also I sent you in your PM – don't use any any on wan!! Bad Bad idea, if you want to allow access to gui.. Limit it to the port the gui is on and your wan address. And best you should of just asked me for my IP or looked in your logs for when I tried to use your vpn.
Do you want me to fix that - since its broken.. And PPTP is horrific out of date and not secure, you should just use openvpn..
Just looked on the port forwarding troubleshooting guide that you went through?? Clearly not, item 9 in common problems
9. Forwarding ports to a server behind a Captive Portal. An IP bypass must be added both to and from the server's IP in order for a port forward to work behind a Captive Portal.