ESXi, pfSense and Hetzner IPv6
Should I assign interface for OpenVPN too? as now i have 3 interfaces LAN WAN HENET64 and assign button, i will add some images too to confirm setup here
unless you want to do something special there is no reason to assign an interface to openvpn instances..
you would break the /48 up into multiple /64 you wouldn't use the whole thing ;)
how about my configs?
do they look ok to you?
cause they dont work
what doesn't work ipv6 over openvpn? You don't have a tunnel network..
Your not providing any dns servers to client.. What doesn't work? Did you just run through the openvpn wizard?
Where are your wan firewall rules that allow the openvpn connection, this would be created auto if you ran the wizard.
Hello and thanks for the reply
Yes clients get a IP when i was playing with it the ygot a IPv6 too but id did not open IPv4 or IPv6 addresses just when i did put in a ip it worked
For OpenVPN i did run the wizard and have default rules there
"IPv4 or IPv6 addresses just when i did put in a ip it worked"
What IPv6 did they get? You didn't put in a ipv6 tunnel network - so how is they would of gotten a ipv6 address???
Well without any dns how would you resolve anything?
i have tried to put in subnet, then removed it and all over again
Where do i put the DNS servers? should i use ISP or google DNS?
what do you mean where do you put in dns?? Right there on the openvpn setup screen.. Does googledns resolve your internal network devices? Why would you not just point to pfsense..
At this point I have no idea what am I doing or what am I doing right or wrong
See the screen attached, i have added and under Client Settings > DNS Servers > I have ticked Client Settings and put the IP's there
I can connect to OpenVPN server but there is no internet access i get IP 192.168.10.x and dns is googledns but rest fails hard
Thanks again
Where are you handing out dns??? Client tab is for when PFSENSE is the vpn CLIENT..
Yes OpenVPN > Server > Client Settings >
DNS Serrvers: i have ticked Provide a DNS server list to clinets
Server #1
Server #2 all there but clients cant access net