sounds great tacfit… but can i obtain good pfsense performance using a box with VIA Eden 1GHz processor, PC133 512MB SoDIMM and 1gb Compact Flash???
think in a situation with throughput of a 200 hosts in lan, incoming external connection and 2 vpn´s tunneling with about 30 hosts in each one...
As cmd says, more details needed. First off, I don't know how the Eden compares with a Pentium III based Xeon, but if they're comparable, and those users are doing "typical" surfing, e-mail, downloading general stuff, I would say your performance will be fine.
BUT… again, this is a total guess on my part. I would say the first bottleneck you're going to run into is memory... and depending on the encryption used for your VPNs, CPU speed. Also, if you've got users download lots of torrents and other stuff like that, that'll throw things off. If this was for an office where you would restrict the types of traffic allowed, I think you wouldn't be far off the mark.
I've been VERY impressed with pfSense's performance, but bare in mind I'm running it on a full sized server. It sounds like you're using a smaller device, which may be just fine... but I can only speak from my own experience :)