So lets repeat, since clearly your not grasping this
"IPv4 * OPT1 net * WAN net * * none "
No that is NOT correct.. wan net is just that! The wan net.. That would explain why it works via proxy.. Wan net is not the internet… Its just the network your wan is on.. Create an ANY ANY rule on opt1, just like your lan.. but use opt1 net as source network.
Lets say your wan is… Wan net is means you could only talk to devices with IP That is the WAN net, this is NOT the interent... The internet is ANY!!! Since pretty much the internet could be ANY public IP address..
You have no rule listed that would allow you to say googledns or say []
Your internet is only working via proxy because pfsense itself can get to the internet, and with proxy your just asking pfsense - hey go to this place for me.. If you want to get there direct than you have to allow that on the firewall.
How hard its it put up a screenshot? From those can not tell if those are blocked or allowed..
You can see here I allow ping to wlan guest address, ipv4 and ipv6
I allow access to my ntp servers that are on different vlans ipv4 and ipv6
I allow the guest to go to public DNS, I hand out google in the dhcp server for this guest wifi network. Via rule that is allow for anything NOT rfc1918(see alias created)
I then block (reject actually with logging) any other access to any other firewall IP, be it lan, wan, or any other vlan IP.
I then allow guests to go anywhere else as long as not rfc1918, or my local IPv6 networks.
Where in you rules top down, first rule to trigger wins - no other rules allowed would your clients be able to go to any IP on the internet.. This is why the rules out of the box on pfsense are ANY ANY on the lan…