ccmks, thank you so much for your reply! I thought for sure the trick was going to be the firewall LAN rule, but I modified the gateway to my gateway group and it still isn't switching. I know the router sees the 3G connection as active as the update checker on the main dashboard can always check for updates, but none of the devices connected to the router wants to switch over to the back-up ISP.
I know this worked way back on 2.1, so I'm really just baffled as to what I'm missing.
Again, thank you for your reply on this! At least I feel like I'm potentially getting closer to figuring out what I'm missing.
Did you setup the gateway monitoring like I mentioned on previous post? You need to have ways for pfSense to know when the gateway will be considered down. Otherwise, it won't do the switch if the pfSense still see the gateway online.
I hadn't before and I just now got a chance to try it again this weekend. I had left them blank previously (there was a note that it defaulted to a certain value, so I assumed that was good enough), but I put in actual values this time. Still no change on my end - when pulling the plug on WAN1, neither my 3G nor my satellite back-up fail into its place. Again, I know the router itself is using the internet from one of those two other ISPs, as it's able to still check if it's on the latest version of software.
Something else I noticed: as soon as I plug my WAN back in (even while it still shows the status at Offline or Packetloss within pfSense), I can ping google.com again from my desktop. To me that tells me pfSense isn't even switching gateways on its end, otherwise there should be a delay before I start receiving responses again.
If there are any other screenshots or bits of information I can share (and you're still willing to help), please let me know.
And thank you again for taking time out of your day to help me with this! I greatly appreciate the help you've given me thus far.
Currently having the same issue on 2.3.2
Our 4G gateway shows as active and online and I can ping the ISP DNS server through that gateway (DHCP). After the gateway goes down and comes back up, it gets a new IP from the ISP and shows as down under Status > Gateways
The ISP DNS is still pingable but the failover is not working.
The failover is determined by Probe Interval.
We had our failover working in 2.1.3 but the same setting no longer work.
Sounds similar to what I'm seeing. It once worked, but I can't get it to go now. I'm assuming you did auto-upgrades from 2.1.3 to current? I know that's how I've upgraded. I'm wondering if I need to just purge config and start clean. I have a spare router, may try doing that one weekend to see.