In the explanation above, I wrote gateway, but meant the static ipv4 for the lan/vlan that I can ping. new to pfsense and network, so I'm a bit confused here. anyway updated explanation below
When i set up dual wan ( balancer ) tier 1 + tier 1.
My admin computer cant talk with devices on the other lans/vlans, only the lans/vlans static ipv4 for the lan network.
If i ping the static ipv4 ip for lans/vlans that works fine, but when i try to ping/connect to other ip`s/devices on the network its not pinging/connecting at all.
So to make it work i have to change the gateway from (dual wan / balancer) to default gateway or make a rule over the balancer rule with default gateway to ping/connect to the devices.
When i run Packet Capture with dual wan ( balancer )
and ping static ipv4 for another lan port or vlan network ICMP echo request get reply asap no problems
but when try the exact same thing on a device on the vlan nettwork it does not get reply at all, just timing out and 100% loss.
If i change dual wan ( balancer ) to default gateway
Then every request gets replyed asap and everything works fine.