@lnguyen said in Can't Route Site To Site:
@dma_pf What are the allowed networks under "Peers" for both sites?
Thanks for pointing me in this direction...that was it! There was an error in one of the peer IP addresses:
The Site 2 network should have been
I made the error of seeing that the Wireguard handshake was completed and made the assumption that by doing so it was confirming that: 1) the cryptographic keys matched and 2) that the peer trying to connect had come from the Allowed IP networks. As a result I never rechecked the peer Allowed IPs because I saw a successful handshake.
But now I've got to dig deeper into the Wireguard protocol as it appears that the handshake only requires the keys to match and the Allowed IPs are only used as a routing ACL to allow or reject traffic across the tunnel.
Thanks again for your help!