One odd thing I've just encountered, is that WAN 2 (OPT 1) is not able to connect to FTP servers.
I always get a "time out". I'm using Firefox web browser to view these FTP servers.
I tried FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Slackware, Debian, etc sites. (Official download link and various mirrors
around the world for each project). All "time out".
To make sure it isn't my connection, I connected a M0n0Wall box to it, and I was able to access FTP!
I double checked by using a Linksys WRT54G router (with third-party Linux firmware installed), and had
no problems with FTP.
I've tried enabling and disabling FTP-Helper. As well, I've opened up ports and such…It did nothing, as
I would still get "time outs". (I've sent all logs via Syslog to a PC on the LAN side, but I don't see any
pf rules blocking FTP connections).
Do any of you folks get the same problem?