I've the same issue here: A LDAP server is configured (for VPN auth) but only using local account (admins) on webGUI.
Moreover theses LDAP connections/lookup can breaks webGUI when LDAP server is down/unreachable (eg. down Internet connection): each page takes about 40-50 seconds to display: I'm guessing it's because LDAP queries that have to timeout before PHP script can continue…
Others have already encountered the same timeout problem:
It does not matter on which interface or IP the web configurator is listening for online update.
pfSense looks for updates on WAN interface and have to be able to connect to pfSense.com. If your WAN can reach the internet the problem is mostly DNS. Have you defined a DNS server in pfSense (System > General Setup) that can resolve pfSense.com?
Another issue could be that your update source path is not set up correctly. Here in 2.1.3 it's: https://updates.pfsense.org/_updaters/ <plattform></plattform>
Quite right, that was the screenshot of the default pfSense page I got after install. I should have shown the shot after I assigned the addresses correctly. I tried again this morning and after a lot of simple changes discovered that I had to clone the MAC address onto pfSense. Instant success. Now have a massively overpowered router for the price of a few hours of work. Thanks!
See the same (like) behaviour for the (open)VPN (users) graph.
I have seen the first time I logged into the openvpn as a (usercount)
spike, but subsequent logins do not show. (it shows a "0" flatline)