I'm trying the same that jpinder70, but with 2 adsl connections (and later will try to setup a redundant balaced ipsec meshed network).
It seems obvious that each pfsense system must have a wan ip of each of the adsl/t1 connections in order to have a carp address for each connection. I only have 1 public static ip per adsl, and will belong to carp interface, because the traffic must go out with this ip, cos is the only routed to my connection by my isp. That way, as the wan adresses must be in the same subnet as the carp address, i will take 2+2 ip that not really belong to me, and i assume that my natted networks never will get to the real ips (anyway these probably doent have any public service that must be directly accessed by my users).
Actually i only have 3 nic in each pfsense. So i'm trying some setups to see if they work without need of 4rt nic, hope to hear your feedback.
I connected both adsl routers, and both wan of pfsenses to the same ethernet segment.
My pfsense1 sync to pfsense2. I tried also to activate that pfsense2 sync to pfsense1. It seems to work, but there is some delay when apply changes, maybe there is some kind of cyclic action :? i don't know if it's ok that setup.
Actually my wan of pfsense1 have the adsl1 public ip, and wan of pfsense2 have the adsl2 public ip. I setup a carp address for adsl1 subnet in pfsense1, and a carp address for adsl2 suvnet in pfsense2. I was expecting for an error in sync, because pfsense1 doesnt know about adsl2 subnet, and pfsense2 neither of adsl1 net. Pfsense system have sync and now i have the carp adresses in both pfsenses. Maybe is not necessary that both pfsesne to be in both wan subnets ?¿¿ i think that yes it's mandatory, because don't seem to work (no error in frontend anyway).
Assuming that both subnets are mandatory, i would like to know if it's possible to setup a wan interface with the two wan ips (1 per each adsl conn). Maybe with proxy arp virtual ip ?? i don't see any aliasing option to assign multiple ip to an interface in the frontend (like in rc.conf _alias method in freebsd). I read somewhere that is not recommended, anyone have any hint with this ? maybe this will be an issue in the way the traffic wil go out ??¿ maybe the balacer will not work properly ?
i keep monitoring this thread to see if the jpinder70 setup works.