@optimusprime said in Email Notifications not working:
thanks for pointing that out,,
You mean :
Good news and bad news : It's pointed out. Your not the first not understanding what you've been reading 😊
@optimusprime said in Email Notifications not working:
if any interface goes down
LAN shouldn't go down. If it does, some one was ripping out cables, and then doesn't need to be confirmed by a mail.
WAN : it's hard to send mails if that one goes down. The mail, if such a mail exists, I'm not sure, will get send when WAN comes back again. For example : after an ISP WAN IP change.
I receive mails from pfSense when :
There is a power issue (using the NUT package, an UPS - and my own NUT-mail settings.
When pfSense can be upgraded, a pfSense package is avaible and also when a FreeBSD-pfSEnse package is avaible. I use a 'home made script', available here on the forum.
The acme pfSense package renew the certificate I used for my pfSense GUI access.
pfSEnse started up / was rebooted.
Actually, pfSense doesn't send a lot of notification. This all depends on your setup, of course.
If you use any of the Services / Dynamic DNS / .... the an IP update (WAN IP change) will be notified also.
I'm not using other functionalities or pfSense packages so can't tell if there are more notifications sources.