Just a few niggles,
1.) Loose the jiggly buttons - I hate them.
2.) Cant seem to add a range of addresses to the whitelist i.e. I had to add each ISP server manually some 18 servers.
3.) Why don't things that have been auto white-listed appear in the Spamd White list?
4.) Would be nice to tick a box so that the Spamd database would just show ALL the GREY items I range from 13 to 35 at any one time but every time I'm over 25 I have to adjust the filer limit.
5.) Date and time stamp the Spamd database, I still to this day don't know if it runs top to bottom, or bottom to top.
I was always led to believe spamd listens on so should work on multi wan but if I do a shields up port scan https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 port 25 is only open on the wan, maybe its just not opening up port 25 on the other interfaces.
I does kind of work and is a worthy addition to pfsense.