I have a similar issue.
Everything was working as expected using HTTP.
I recently switched the webConfigurator (System/Advanced/Admin Access) from HTTP to HTTPS.
Now, that redirects everything to HTTPS - including SquidGuard redirects that are set to HTTP.
From squidGuard.conf:
default {
pass Internal Allowed !in-addr !Blocked none
redirect 301:http://proxy.mydomain.net/sgerror.php?url=403%20&a=%a&n=%n&i=%i&s=%s&t=%t&u=%u
log block.log
That would be fine except that I have this in squidGuard.conf:
dest blk_BL_adv {
domainlist blk_BL_adv/domains
urllist blk_BL_adv/urls
log block.log
That gives me certificate errors when it redirects to….
I don't know why that's the only entry - aside from the default and explicit ACL's that I set - that has a redirect.
Any thoughts on how to change it?
To get rid of the certificate errors for sgerror happens, you need to create a certificate for your server. Specify the alternative names for your server like FQDN and IP address of the server.