chidgear Thanks
Your Logic worked for me using SSL with transparent mode and skype working Fine.
including group conversation + File send / receive
All what we need to do, as Microsoft added some IP's in its AS Number Network IP series.
use this to find it.
whois -h '!gAS198015'
Link is here , you get the Info.
Cheers !!!!
;) :) :) :) :) 8)
Okay, I respond partially to myself (this isn't over yet), but if someone gets it useful, here are some progress I did.
Looking on other forums and internet articles, I found a buddy having a similar trouble, caused by his skype version. Once discarded that their windows and IE version where the problem, one user said:
What do you see now when you open this link in your Internet Explorer?
This gave me an idea… I tried it on a restricted machine and Voila! it showed the IP's I needed in the squid error screen saying that there was a handshake error. I putted the IP's on the bypass and skype worked again. I can log in and out anytime, and send messages without the message saying that cannot be delivered.
(It could change on time, but until today, these where the IP addresses:
all of them provided (in some or another way) from
I added these ips, and the FQDN to the bypass and the login issue was over. Now, there is another issue.
The files cannot be sent, and I cant see all my contacts in realtime. I guess this is a matter of the skype cloud, so I'll keep digging. If someone wants to help, or has some information about the skype cloud IPs, I'll be gratefull.
0_0)b Good luck!
references: Sorry, we couldn't connect to skype. please check …