@jt40 the default is drop, ie just block..
But internally it is sometime better to reject vs just drop. I want to let my internal client you can not go there right away - via a reject. Vs letting it bang its head with retrans trying to figure out why he is not getting an answer.
Externally no you would almost never want to send a reject to something out on the internet.. But internally - if your going to on purpose prevent something like vlan x from talking to vlan y.. its better to just let them know - hey stop trying to go there ;)
If the device asks for something else and the rule is not present, I expect the packets to be dropped automatically...
That is how it works.. If there is not allowed, then traffic dropped gone over this how many times already.. But yet to see a picture of your rules.. You have been told multiple times that pfsense will not route traffic unless there is an allow rule.
If the spam system is preventing you from uploading a picture - then link to it somewhere else, use something like my picture is here somewhere . domain . tld / whatever even if you have to but. But what I can tell you yet again yes default is deny. No rule to allow, traffic is dropped.
If you want to actually see it - then look at the full rule set. Since this default deny is not shown in the gui..
[21.05.2-RELEASE][admin@sg4860.local.lan]/root: pfctl -sr | grep "Default deny rule"
block drop in inet all label "Default deny rule IPv4"
block drop out inet all label "Default deny rule IPv4"
block drop in inet6 all label "Default deny rule IPv6"
block drop out inet6 all label "Default deny rule IPv6"