@hieroglyph , @JKnott ,
TL;DR: Could not understand why pfsense was not passing and/or routing untagged traffic to switch UI's via tagged interfaces, but no problems with any untagged<-vlan->untagged device traffic. solution: my ID10T mistake: uncheck "Enable Static ARP entries" in DHCP on the interfaces of the devices, or add the static APR entries necessary for all devices (hosts and switches...) to talk. Look for states in state table.
Dumb*** move on my part. Posted for all to read and groan/laugh at the noob...as the saying goes "KISS"...but, it's as much about learning as doing. And, I now have SSH for all my devices installed, putty/mobaXterm/wireshark installed on all my machines, and also WSL with ubuntu to help me out in the future :)
Ok, after i tried a ton of reading, pinging, capturing, triple checking/disabling rules and trying the outbound NAT, and that didn't work either, in the process I noticed something else recently changed: whereas before I could ping "just fine" from any of my vlans, well, my primary vlan stopped seeing the switches also... I like these types of failures!
So, resetting my assumptions, after more google-fu, I looked at the state tables (recommended in other posts), and realized there were no states in pfsense for switch-1. Well, if pfsense can't see it, pfsense won't route to it, but the other devices were present.... hmmm....as if the switch(es) weren't allowed....
I thought I'd try to add a static ARP for switch-1 - and... that's when I noticed that at some point in my former brilliancy, I happened to check the "Enable Static ARP entries" in DHCP on the VLAN10 interfaces. Now that's all fine and good as it had the machines I wanted to connect with, BUT no entries for switch-1 (or 2)! Added them to the VLAN10 interface since that is what they communicate to, and EVERYTHING is groovy again! Now I can use the firewall rules to fine tune access, and avoid NAT for now, as future challenge will be VPN's....I may be back...
Anyhoo, thank you again @hieroglyph and @JKnott for your time and help giving me direction!