@kiokoman Yeah, you're right =) But anyway, I wasn't able to make some reasonable solution, so I've just created tiny VM guest with alpine linux, lighttpd and nfs-client, and I'm passing my .well-known challenge through "local webroot", but I'm putting there appropiate path for my NFS share + ballast ( </path/to/share>/.well-known/acme-challenge/ ). pfSense comes already preloaded with nfs, all I needed was just enable it through /etc/rc.d.local. HAProxy does rest of the job ( frontend for path match looks like that ---v )
HAProxy Frontend rules ( I've got it implemented with http->https redirect, except for .well-known =3 I was pretty suprised it came on my mind )
HAProxy Frontend rules
So that's my hotfix solution, but I'm curious for any other ideas ))