NUT package (2.8.0 and below)
@missionit-tech Were you able to get your UPS working?
@keyser said in NUT package:
Does NUT have any integration/MIBs that needs to be installed, so the built-in SNMP Service can see state and UPS info from NUT?
If I understand your question correctly, you are asking if you can monitor the state of a non SNMP based UPS connected to the pfSense system via the SNMP server on pfSense. Assuming so...
This is more an SNMP question than a NUT question. The SNMP server (bsnmp or net-snmp) determines what/how/where something is exposed via SNMP. There is nothing built-in to either SNMP package to support NUT status, however both support extensions that will allow you to do what you want. You will have to configure the integration yourself. Search for "bsnmp-ucd" (bsnmp) or "net-snmp-extend-mib" (net-snmp) for details.
Here is an example integration using net-snmp.
One additional note: The configuration UI for bsnmp does not have any allowance for extensions, so you would have to go out to the filesystem and modify the config file. It might be easier to use the net-snmp package, which does have allowance for extensions in the UI. See the Extended Commands section at the bottom of the Host Information tab.
@dennypage Thank you for the detailed answer.
This is a little above my allowed time to invest in geekery :-)
I was just wondering if perhaps someone had already done that integration :-)
I have not made it back to the site yet to test the last troubleshooting steps that you suggested. Sorry for the delay getting back to you on it. Ill keep you posted when I get back onsite. Thanks for checking in. -
@dennypage said in NUT package:
@keyser Using librenms by chance? If so, it's pretty easy. The integration script is here. All you have to do is put the script on the local filesystem and add the script in the Extended Commands section for net-snmp...
Unfortunately not. I’m Using Zabbix, and have recently moved away from a Zabbix Agent on my pfSense and instead started using the “pfSense SNMP” template Zabbix has made available.
It works well, allthough a few counters/details are missing compared to rbecelli’s pfSense Active agent template.
@keyser You are more determined than I. I gave Zabbix a serious go a while back. It worked well in circumstances where an agent was available. However for SNMP devices, of which I have a large number, it required far too much work for me. I gave up after a couple of weeks.
@dennypage said in NUT package:
@keyser You are more determined than I. I gave Zabbix a serious go a while back. It worked well in circumstances where an agent was available. However for SNMP devices, of which I have a large number, it required far too much work for me. I gave up after a couple of weeks.
Well it did take a little learning, But it’s actually rather simple and flexible. One just needs to understand the architecture.
Hi all, I've noticed a published NUT 2.8.0 package with a lot of improvements.
Development has been more active this year with actually 2.8.1 started.
Is an updated BSD version of this package on the way ?Thanks to let know if someone knows about it.
@filecity said in NUT package:
Hi all, I've noticed a published NUT 2.8.0 package with a lot of improvements.
Development has been more active this year with actually 2.8.1 started.
Is an updated BSD version of this package on the way ?It will probably be a few months. 2.8.0 represents 5+ years of changes, all rolled up into a single release. I expect that will take some time to stabilize.
So I replaced my tower UPS with a rackmounted APC Smart-UPS that has a Network Management Card. What is the best way to have a central "UPS server"? Should I point NUT (in pfsense) to the APC UPS using the remote snmp driver and make NUT the main server for everything? Or would it be beneficial to make NUT and other clients as slaves and make the APC UPS as a server itself?
@kevindd992002 said in NUT package:
So I replaced my tower UPS with a rackmounted APC Smart-UPS that has a Network Management Card. What is the best way to have a central "UPS server"? Should I point NUT (in pfsense) to the APC UPS using the remote snmp driver and make NUT the main server for everything? Or would it be beneficial to make NUT and other clients as slaves and make the APC UPS as a server itself?
I have a Smart-UPS with an NMC2, and individual hosts speaking directly to the UPS via SNMP. I recommend this approach.
Be sure to assign a fixed address for the UPS. If you running the DHCP server on pfSense, I would also recommend enabling the static ARP option for the UPS (for good measure).
Hi. So I have this new UPS that has been added to NUT 3 months ago. I've tried nut-2.8.0 on RPi and it works fine. But I really like to have it handled by pfSense. Any changes on package upgrade to 2.8.0 in the near future?
@tnowak What is the UPS and how does it physically connect? Have you confirmed that it does not actually work with 2.7?
@dennypage That’s Ever Eco Pro CDS AVR 1200. It’s kind of new kid on the block. It uses usbhid-ups driver. I have tried 2.7 on both pfSense and RPi and it does not work. That UPS has been committed to nut driver 2-3 months ago according to GitHub source. It works fine in 2.8.
@tnowak I'll take a look
@dennypage can you please help? My UPS has Automatic Voltage Regulation. With the summer heat on the power grid I noticed the input voltage goes from 115-118 volts ac so it has been kicking in a lot more. I think I must have adjusted the original setting to auto correct for anything under 119 volts ac during set up on a older version of this package. However the package now I can not find where that setting to adjustment when AVR should run anymore. The battery this week is getting hammered with the local grid. Last month we had a brownout I had never seen one until this year in California. Our fans everything was slow motion. My HiFi system said low voltage on the screen even a couple weeks ago. I am running in older CP1200AVR made by Cyber Power. I can not remember if you could change the UPS settings from inside of my Netgate firewall or not. It restored 100 of the batter charge after the brownout. However is there anyway to adjust AVR settings from inside of NUT? Or am I imagining this?
@jonathanlee You can adjust UPS settings via NUT, but you don't do it from within the GUI. To change UPS settings, use the upsrw command. Documentation is here. If you run upsrw without any options other than the UPS name, it will give you a list of variables that can be set.
@dennypage thank you this is exactly what I was looking for, the AVR settings I have set killed the battery with all the issues. It needs to be set to the normal 90 range again.
@dennypage We got some fresh batteries from Batteries plus today :) It keeps saying access denied. Is there a way to add users on the pfsense? I tried it won't take the add user command also. upsd.users won't work. The clock also will not run. This is for a Cyberpower CP1200AVR running driver USB usbhid. I thought originally a version back I could change the settings in the GUI and that it also had a port number. This new version for 22.05 seems to be missing the other settings like the password and options.
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(GUI View)This thing saved me in a final once already. The power was out during a computer science final and this thing saved the day for the 5 mins it was out.