LCDProc 0.5.4-dev
Yep, then Yellow, then Dark. Doesn't actually flip the LEDs tho. :-\
Okay, tried fetching it, no change on the 64bit pfsense install… But then I tried it on my 32bit install on the same hardware and the program works in the sense that it ran, but the LED does not do anything at all. That's probably not much help tho. :/
That is what I figured. That code doesn't reconcile with any of the SuperIO documentation I have seen, or even the code's own comments. Hopefully, the code comments will be enough to be able to come up with something…
I think we should take this to a separate thread. This one is already massive and LED control on a particular Lanner box is not helpful for most people reading it.
I think we should take this to a separate thread. This one is already massive and LED control on a particular Lanner box is not helpful for most people reading it.
Agreed, but honestly, it's probably not worth worrying about the LED in it at all.
Only thing I think we can keep from this side-tracking is that the 64-bit SDECLCD works, but it is hard-coded as 16x2 status screens still.
Only thing I think we can keep from this side-tracking is that the 64-bit SDECLCD works, but it is hard-coded as 16x2 status screens still.
You can ask LCDd what it thinks the width is:
telnet <pfsense host="" ip="" or="" name="">13666 hello connect LCDproc 0.5.4 protocol 0.3 lcd wid 20 hgt 2 cellwid 5 cellhgt 8</pfsense>
Only thing I think we can keep from this side-tracking is that the 64-bit SDECLCD works, but it is hard-coded as 16x2 status screens still.
You can ask LCDd what it thinks the width is:
telnet <pfsense host="" ip="" or="" name="">13666 hello connect LCDproc 0.5.4 protocol 0.3 lcd wid 20 hgt 2 cellwid 5 cellhgt 8</pfsense>
[2.0.1-RELEASE][root@fringebox.blizzard]/root(4): telnet 13666 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. hello connect LCDproc 0.5.5 protocol 0.3 lcd wid 20 hgt 2 cellwid 5 cellhgt 8
Examples: (Kinda bad example, but it at least shows the screens are shortened. I know things are getting cut off since I can't change the "pfsense shutting down" to be any bigger without losing the extra 8 characters on the end. The Lanner-LCM hacked driver can write the shutdown line on all the 20x2 characters just fine)
If you want to point me to the hacked Lanner code again, I can have a quick look. Without hardware available to me though, this is quickly becoming unproductive. I am in the mid-atlantic US, maybe you should look up shipping rates and mail me a stripped down box for development. I could probably get the full LCD and LED control coded in the driver for 32 and 64 bit. Up to you.
- 15 days later
I think the issue was just with my implementation. No use you guys wasting time on my hardware.
I did notice the issue with lcdproc crashing on the initial boot, then later restarting into just the LCDd server/client menu. Once I start the service once, it's seemingly good forever (at least until an unlucky interface up/down!)
Is there anything I should try and look at to see why it's failing at the initial boot?
Also, is there any way we could get LCDExec to be included in the package (both 32bit/64bit, 32bit does NOT work on 64bit in my experience - makes no sense?), and have it check for an lcdexec.conf (and if it exists, start the process running that config right after lcdproc starts?) My menu system would be more easily implemented if we could get everyone already have a working lcdexec install. 80% of my installation scripts are just hacking in the lcdexec install.
There has to be something wrong with the rc.d or PHP scripts, but I just can't find it. Could it be the interface up/downs on boot causing this crash?
- 19 days later
Alright, nevermind on the lcdexec stuff, I'm an idiot. It's already in /usr/bin/ for everyone.
But, as for the service crashing on boot, it still appears to happen. I've noticed it does not happen on full (x64) installs, but my nanoBSD installs require a service restart to get working after boot.
Any ideas?
Time for a code release:
I just posted the ledsupport branch of the lcdproc package source code on github:
Basically, this code adds driver support for known Firebox LED arrangements, from X-Core to X-Core-e to X-Peak and finally XTM. The code identifies the particular Intel Southbridge/ICH, and matches it up with specific GPIO pins as posted on this forum. It deals with ICH and SuperIO GPIO. As I only own an X-Core-e, it is not all completely tested.
There is a binary here:
If you can assist in the testing, replace your copy of the driver with this one, and give it a try:
telnet localhost 13666 hello connect LCDproc 0.5.5 protocol 0.3 lcd wid 20 hgt 2 cellwid 5 cellhgt 8 output 1 <—Should start blinking red, rare short blink success output 2 <—Should start blinking green, rare short blink success
The output logic is this: we have 32 bit to work with, and we need 3 states (Red, Green and off). This is 2 bits. So, in 32 bits, we have 16 time slots to work with. So, basically, code in the sequence of colors you want to see (Red, Green or off) and keep shifting to fill in the bits.
X is 1, 2 or 00000 0000 0000 0001 is slow quick blink red
0101 0101 0101 0101 is fast quick blink red
0011 0011 0011 0011 is medium medium blink red
0000 1111 0000 1111 is slow long blink red
0000 2222 0000 1111 is slow blink alternating between red and greenetc… The binary needs to be made decimal for the “output” command. Sequence lasts about 4 seconds.
As we know, there is no client yet that exercises this driver "output" feature. If this works with various models, I'll submit a pull request with the pfSense team so that new package installations will get this binary.
Anyone wants to add LED support to the PHP client? Something like controlling the LED based on availability of internet access, or the ISP's DNS server would be nice...
Here is an that seems to fix the startup crash issue.
Not sure if this will work for everyone or if it isn't working right, but let me know how it could be improved.
It generates this rc.d script:
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh # This file was automatically generated # by the pfSense service handler. rc_start() { sleep 5 /usr/bin/nice -20 /usr/local/sbin/LCDd -c /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf /usr/bin/nice -20 /usr/local/bin/php -f /usr/local/pkg/lcdproc_client.php & } rc_stop() { pkill -f lcdproc_client.php pkill -anx lcdexec pkill -anx lcdproc pkill -anx LCDd sleep 1 } case $1 in start) rc_start ;; stop) rc_stop ;; restart) rc_stop rc_start ;; esac
- 8 days later
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this question but I'm new here so any help would be much appreciated. I have a crystalfontz 634 running on pfsense 2.0.1 amd64 with LCDproc 0.5.5 pkg v. 0.9.4 installed. At startup I see the crystalfontz info come up, then the blinking light in the top left. After pfsense and LCDproc start up I see a bunch of garbage characters scroll down the lcd for like thirty seconds then just a blank screen. I'm pretty sure I've got the right usb com port as the top left blinking light will just keep on if I switch to another one. From the web settings I have it set to 4x20, CrystalFontz driver, 5 sec refresh, 9600 baud (tried default, same thing) and then default on the rest of the settings. For screens I have "Enable Traffic Interface, WAN" and "Enable Hostname". Here's the contents of LCDd.conf:
[server] DriverPath=/usr/local/lib/lcdproc/ Driver=CFontz Bind= Port=13666 ReportLevel=3 ReportToSyslog=yes User=nobody Foreground=no ServerScreen=no GoodBye="Thanks for using" GoodBye=" pfSense " WaitTime=5 ToggleRotateKey=Enter PrevScreenKey=Left NextScreenKey=Right ScrollUpKey=Up ScrollDownKey=Down [menu] MenuKey=Escape EnterKey=Enter UpKey=Up DownKey=Down [CFontz] Device=/dev/cuaU0 Size=20x4 Contrast=350 Brightness=1000 OffBrightness=50 NewFirmware=no Reboot=no Speed=9600
Anybody have any ideas about why it's doing this?
Ok, if anyone else has a crystalfontz 634: make sure you set the contrast over 50% or you won't see ANYTHING. DON'T LEAVE IT ON DEFAULT.
Bumping this so people can see and try my fixed
I was wondering if we could get that and the 64bit SDECLCD driver put in the real package.
- about a month later
Hmm, this looks like spam but doesn't have any links. :-
Please re-phrase this if you are really asking.Steve
Edit: It was spam then! ::)
Hi !
congratulations for the work !
I am Celestix Scoprio X MSA 5000 user and the box run very nice with pfsense 2.0.1
…but..the lcd display don't work !
I tried different drivers ... but nothing ...
is a USB display of 40 x 2 (with 3 led for (1) attention / (2) HDD / (3) ON )
Would it be possible to control it with lcdproc?
Many Thanks ! -
Possibly. We need more information. Anything written on the the LCD unit itself? Any windows drivers that might provide a clue?
Possibly. We need more information. Anything written on the the LCD unit itself? Any windows drivers that might provide a clue?
The display manufactured is varitronix
Unfortunately, I have never written anything …
you can not find any drivers...even windows ...