I just finished(had to remove it after) using this software for the first time. And I must admit, that I was very pleased that it served it's purpose(which I was using it for) very well.
Without going into to much details, I setup the server and clients in an(more like in between) environment with multiple firewalls with very restrictive rules which they flat out denied changing some of them (I needed to transfer FSMO roles and upgrade replication from FRS to DFS) and (I think that) the hosting provider was very annoyed that the customer wanted to move to there own hosting site(lots of $$$$).
Well, I didn't care. I was just consulting/helping them :)
It was a little bit of a learning curve, but I'm sure it saved me from months of coordination/planning with multiple hosting providers/administrators/architects and etc(basically, a lot of bureaucracy).
I had permission from the customer to try to speed up the process in any way I could. Which the SoftEther software actually helped me a lot with.
Now to my main point:
I would love to see this being supported in pfSense ;D