I have created Multi-Wan Gateway in pfsense
Wan-1+Wan-2+Wan-3+Wan-4 = Multi-Wan default Gateway
Then Vlans are created and assigned to the LAN interface
-> Rules are created in each vlans as protocol -> to destination ->any
same vlans are created in an L3 switch and Trunk is configured to provide access to all the vlans
All the vlans are routed to the pfsense firewall
* The IP name server is the x.x.x.x(pfsense ip address) and the secondary dns is
Now internet is working in all the vlans, I am able to access the pfsense firewall via browser from all the vlans. But there is no ICMP reply for the ping. No ping to firewall or any other sites. I am unable to download any package via wget. please help me out with this problem.