If your running the connection from pfsense to a vm host… Then you don't need a switch even and you can do tagging and use vswitches with port groups to accomplish what you want.
But if your going to break this out into the real world network and connect to a switch and send use multiple layer 3 networks.. Then yes your going to want to isolate said networks at layer 2 with vlans.
Don't be that guy - forgo that pizza or that case of beer and get a switch that can do tags.. I mean really its 30 freaking $'s - shit you can drop that in after work beers on a tuesday.. Which I am sure I will prob do tonight ;)
Don't be that guy
Your switch may or may not pass the tags… But that is really not the point.. Its not going to teach you anything, and all it does is promote bad habits...
There is one thing when hey this needs to be up and running in 30 minutes, and all I have is this dumb switch and production is down.. Can we connect using this dumb switch and run multiple layer 3 on the same layer 2 until the replacement switch comes in.
And then there is oh lets save $5 and just use this dumb switch..
You get a pat on the back for scenario 1, you get fired and ridiculed by your peers in scenario 2..
So there is knowing that it "can" be done.. And then there is being smart enough to know that nobody should do that.. Your not using duct tape to save yourself on Apollo 13 here.. What your doing is breaking out your hack saw to cut the pizza because your tool lazy to open the drawer and pull out the pizza cutter.