Has anyone successfully got dtrace working in a pfsense/freesbie build environment?
Looking around builder_common.sh, it looks like including dtrace support in a kernel is a simple as setting an environment variable.
i.e. something like
Unfortunately it doesn't work, at least in my experience.
Generally with FreeBSD, there's a couple of things you need to get DTRACE working, some has to do with kernel config, some to do with compile options, but it's all pretty straightforward.
What's very odd with the pfSense build environment is that something seems to be redefining CTFCONVERT as null.
At the top, i.e.
CTFCONVERT is correct, however by the time you get down to a module Makefile, such as
CTFFLAGS is still set, but CTFCONVERT is now an empty string, which means that the command run after compilation is "-L VERSION …" instead of "ctfconvert -L VERSION ..."
If I'm missing something obvious, please point it out.
Well, I think I've worked out what was going wrong with the Makefiles, and it definitely wasn't obvious, imo.
I'll write up why the build was failing in the next couple of days. Still verifying the final bits.