Thanks for your help so far,
what ever happened during last installation, I reinstalled pfSense and it works now!
As I tried to hack my own firewall and the logs were empty I recon there must be wrong...
And I gonna make a factory reset also on my switch after I made so much, some times stupid, changes on VLANs and routing forward and back...
FYI: I decided to use virtualization, because I'll need a witness Server later on and not to have too much hardware around...
I'm also not familiar to bhyve and not too deep into UNIX, but Installation is quit easy.
UNIX & bhyve needs so little resources, so you can run multiple Servers, web, DB, LDAP ... on one little 4Core Celeron (If you don't have too much users).
Thanks again for your support so far, maybe there will come up further questions...