I think it's https://bugs.freenas.org/issues/16280
Confirmed. It boots after manually editing UEFI entries.
Updated by Grzegorz Krzystek 3 months ago
Bios Version: 2.90
Latest for C2750D4I
In particular it's not a bug, but proMicrosoft implementation, of uefi boot sequence, and well known problem of many UEFI Bios on many motherboards.
windows boot loader have path: EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgr.efi
and there are bios implementation like Asus one that expecting Windows Boot loader on internal hard-drives, and respecting EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI only on removable devices.
all UEFI implementations allows user to manage bootentrys.
adding new entry by uefishell that subbort bcfg is one line, in my case was:
shell>bcfg boot add N fsV:\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI "FreeNAS"
where N was number of entry nad V was number of Filesystems that efi was able to read (all fat partitions are numbered and are accessible from uefishell)
after adding this entry, i see FreeNAS in bios as Bootable device that can be selected in boot order menu.
same operation is done in some Linux distros when grub-efi is installed by invoking command efibootmgr, cause some distros placeing grub in different dirs in EFI_BOOT partition. so adding these record to UEFI boot order make them bootable.
I just did
bcfg boot add 10 fs0:\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI "pfSense"
bcfg answers that entry 10 is 0000 (do not exists) and corrected it with number 3
and on next boot selected new entry in UEFI settings boot priority.
All done!