Just one note: don't use the prefix pfB_ as first string on "Description" for your own rules with pfBlockerNG aliases. This will ensure that your rules will not be handled by pfBlockerNG during updates.
Thanks you for let me know.
When @JeGr mentioned the 'alias Denys' option, I notice that there was a description on GeoIP explaining all available options, and notice that part.
DNS Query Forwarding:
Disabled by default. When enabled, unbound will use the system DNS servers from System > General Setup or those received from a dynamic WAN, rather than using the root servers directly.
Blocked IP's are shown on the report page / alert and or DNSBL
Up to you to check who / which device was using that Ip - was it pfSense itself ?
The IP must be in one of your feeds used.
I found an unbound error unrelated to these issues and fixed it. error: duplicate forward zone . ignored. Other than that, everything else was functioning properly. Must be some internal code, because all of my logs and settings are clean as a whistle. Thank you all for your kind help. I'll just chalk this up to experience and call it a day. Take care.
I think we have addressed the issue, it was a rookie mistake. I should have place the IP address of the router interface on each VLAN as the DNS server instead of VIP address.
@Alex99 Yeah change that to deny and you will probably see your counter go up, I'm going to try that with North America (allow inbound) as well just to test.
It would be cool to have a temporary list for sites that may be on a DNSBL for some reason, and one would like a one-time quarantine exception for 15mins period instead of whitelist permanently. Hoping that @BBcan177 will see this if there isn't a way to do it or share how to do it.
The solution I took was to go to a coffee shop instead of adding to whitelist ... a little inconvenient.
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