In BIND you have to terminate any name with a dot to avoid it having $ORIGIN appended. I would treat all other DNS servers as behaving the same unless their documentation says otherwise.
So I've added a dot to any name, now it's look like this:
Record Name Record Type rDNS Record Data TTL
mydomain.com. SOA pfsense.mydomain.com.
test.mydomain.com. A on
cnametest.mydomain.com. CNAME test.mydomain.com.
But it still not working, if I'm trying to ping cnametest.mydomain.com Im still getting "could not find host …Please check the name and try again"
Also when I'm doing an nslookup for the cname Im getting something weird:
nslookup cnametest.mydomain.com
Server: pfsense.mydomain.com
Name: cnametest.mydomain.com
Served by:
Served by?? So it found something but it's able to resolved it correctly?
Thank you for your time