@Ascrod It looks like I'm almost there. But missing some routing.
Here is my setup.
Pfsense WG config: I've hidden real keys. But still showing which keys are used where
# Generated by pfSense
Address =
ListenPort = 51830
DNS = <----- Pfsense local LAN IP
PrivateKey = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# phone
PublicKey = cccccccccccccccccc
AllowedIPs =
PublicKey = vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
AllowedIPs =
Client config of Android Phone
Address =
PrivateKey = dddddddddddddd
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = my_ddns.com:51830
PersistentKeepalive = 21
PublicKey = cccccccccccccccccc
Now im not sure which and where i need to add the rule for the vpn interface. Is it under NAT and port forward from WAN to OPT4 Address? OR is it under NAT> Outbound?
Note my above config works fine if i move that to my ubuntu wireguard server and simply forward UDP port 51830 from pfsense to my ubuntu machine IP.. NOTE: For testing purpose im using the same private and public keys on my ubuntu wireguard server and this one im trying to setup on the PF box. I believe that should not be an issue? Thanks for your help
TunWG0 interface
I tried the following rule but i dont think thats correct
NAT Rule
If i tcpdump on my pfsense internet side(WAN) interface, i see constant incoming connection attempts from phone and then the pfsense reponding back to the phone from the WAN interface.
But if I trace on the TUNWG0 interface i only 1 request from vpn ip) to the pf sense WAN inteface.
This is the furthest ive been able to get now. From the pfsense and from my LAN devices, i can ping the phone's vpn ip( but thats it. I cannot ping LAN IPs, lan DNS, etc from the phone.