ok i did some more testing on this, and it seems not the best for me, and goes to show that its important to test extensively lol
i use a lot of upstream from offsite backups, camera footage, uploading to my vps etc, most of which i have automated through a specific docker host.
so the rules on WanUp work really well, i use a 90/10 weight with 90 being on WanUpQ and 10 being on WanUpQ_LP
this ensures that everything which isn't upload heavy, gets really nice latency
the part which wasn't well configured was the WanDown, I erroneously set it to being the same without applying conscious thought to what it was doing.
I still had the same 90/10 rules in weight but if you think about that for a moment, what happens when anybody is thrashing download? then the weight system comes into place, and the things that i don't care about in the LP queue end up getting undue / undesired priority.
So I have now switched that to scheduler FQ_CODEL and its working much better.
YMMV so test and find out, run a ping to a local news site or similar, alongside multiple speedtests and see which combination of settings performs best for you.