Here are my three part rules, Floating, WAN and LAN rules to make it works.
In the Floating Rules, you can see a lot of what the Wizard did, but I flushed what I didn't care about. Keep in ming that the default queue is qP2P so you don't need a rule to send uncategorized traffic to this queue, but when you do so all the data will be sent to this default queue ACK included. So bulk traffic that you want to get the maximum throughput need a rule to categorize their ACK packets. You will see that the ACK for bulk are not sent to the qACK, because I don't want the ACK of bulk traffic to be sent at the same priority of the ACKs of my HTTP traffic.
I found that the Floating Rules works for anything that doesn't involve a NAT'ed port to your LAN, if you do have a server you need rules in WAN and LAN too.
In the floating rules you'll see a rule that prioritize "NetBIOS and SMB" I don't need it in WAN&LAN because I don't have a NAT, it's being used through IPSec VPN.
In WAN rules you'll see the rules created by my NAT, I gave those rules the queue where I want to traffic to go. And in LAN you'll see the rule I created myself that is a mirror of what you find in WAN and I gave them the same queues as in WAN.
Oh and I changed the queue configuration, because qP2P was limited to a certain speed, I've unlocked this queue to allow the queue to consume all the bandwidth, but share it entirely to other queue when they need it.
I'm no where near an expert with this, but this is my working setup, I might have rules that are unnecessary, but I've tested everything and this is working for me and I'm happy…