Using Squid ACLs turns out to not be a good choice as entire pages appear to be blocked when only some content loads from the undesirable domains. Any suggestions to get it working in Squidguard?
Your on the local lan right… then use the local IP, if you want to use the same public fqdn to access it then just setup a host override so that internal boxes resolve your public fqdn to your internal IP.
Just realized my question was vague with the word "sites". Multiple wan sites is what I meant.. so looking to have many sites via internet point to a single point for whitelist lookup. But once access is allowed to a website Id like the wan site to use its own ISP gateway.
I could not find the answer in the help documents nor using the forum search. So I kept searching the file system directory by directory till I found the files under "/usr/local/etc/lightsquid".