Actually I am having difficulties with the cron settings, very similar to this person (drewsaur):
unfortunately it was decided he did not have a bug and ignored :(
I get the same error, only ever updates at 1:30. Played around with it a bit, and it seems the only field that takes is the minute field "pfb_min" it ignores the rest. The cron settings solution you indicated is a good idea, but seems unlikely to work because of the above error. Unlike drewsaur, having it only update at 1:30 am was not really a problem for me. Rather then try and fix a messed up cron thing, I figured it would be easier just to add a new job for what I wanted.
. . .
I dug through the pfblockerng_update.php to find the command, it it looks like its not command line at all per say, but sending a call to pfblockerng.php, which in turn calls sync_package_pfblockerng. Not familiar with bsd or package manager so will continue down the rabbit hole when I have time.
sync_package_pfblockerng is not a package manager call at all I guess, it is defined in, which is executing .php to do the update. A neat way to do it.
answering my original question:
commands for pfblocker can be executed with:
/usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php [put your option here]
ex: /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php update
the options for [put your option here] are defined in the /usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php file in a switch statement. None of them achieve the objective of my original question.
My personal solution was to add a new option by editing pfblockerng.php & This is a grade A hack job, but if anyone is interested inquire and I will post the details.