Using a USB adapter is much better but I still experience crash from time to time (~ weelky). I found a procedure to compile the Realtek driver for FreeBSD (https://gist.github.com/jovimon/524e116471f249626fd2ccd141f3fe05), everything went as expected and I resumed using the ETH NICs however my PFSense keeps crashing (at least daily).
I also tried the official guide but keep getting the same results (https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/hardware/tuning-and-troubleshooting-network-cards.html#tuning-and-troubleshooting-network-cards).
Looking at the logs I was able to see an issue with the darkstat module so uninstalled it, but still experiencing daily crashes...
At this point I still don't know whether it is hardware related or software/setup related.0_1552440129045_PFsense crash March2019.zip
Please find attached the latest crash dump logs, any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated!