I have inherited a pfSense system and need some help getting the guest network running
Make a config backup first (takes 30 sec).
Re install …. (takes several minutes).
Eventually : import config (but : this means that you import all these settings "that you don't know about")
We have the Captive Portal enabled and running on the Guest Wifi (has its own interface)
I can connect to the Guest Wifi, I get an IP, I can ping the pfsense box ip on the guest wifi side
I can log in to the pfsense box if I types its guest ip in
Well .. normal on a no trusted network, also called Guest netwok, visitors shouldn't be able to acces the pfSense web GUI …..
A fire wall rule is missing on the Guest network Interface ;).
But, if I try to go to ip:8002 I get a blank white page with no logon options
How do you know that you should use port 8002 ??
Using the pfSense captive portal for 10 yeras no, never used a port number.
If I try to go to a web address I get page cannot be displayed
Well, normal, right ?!
When authenticated, it will work ^^
I cant ping
As before : that's ok - normal - if no rule is present to permit that, it will work after the authentication phase.
(but : DNS should work before authentication …. if not captive portal breaks ;))
DNS forwarder is enabled
Don't. This is the moment where most start to post here that captive portal doesn't work.
Use the default resolver first.
Because : first help lines from here apply : https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Captive_Portal_Troubleshooting (people use stuff like the forwarder without really know what they are doing == now what DNS is all bout and then critical stuff like a captive portal "breaks").
Like what do client use a an DNS ? Was it DHCP assigned ? (some nut cases have their DNS set static => they will be out of business fast)
The Guest portal IP from pfSense ? Another IP like ? (and in that case, a firewall rule should be put into the GUI for that interface - allow TCP/UDP dest. port 53 IP