I'm not really in a position to test this, i'm located in .no and does not have the service available to develop and test. The previous work was done by having RDP access to a winXP PC and a FreeBSD unit with EVDO card.
I think this work is better suited for someone that can have hands on access to a test system. It's very timeconsuming to work with someone else in a completely different timezone, and depend on that person to be able to fix stuff when I break stuff during testing (like the FreeBSD/pfsense setup not booting after new kernel compiles).
If someone could provide a test setup where I can have access to a IP-reach KVM system, then maybe it can be done easier. But it's still not ideal. $$ allways makes it more interesting, but i still think this task is better suited for someone else. You can start a bounty thread and see what kind of $$ you can raise, if it's enough then someone (me perhaps) will most likely make it happen.