question 1) please i need help to configure the network!
on vmware workstation > virtual machine settings > i have added 2 network adapters, first one is Bridget, but is not checked "replace physical network connection state", and another one network adapter is Host only.
Question 2) which options are best for me to make this to work properly? do is needed to change the first adapter to another one? or the option "replace physical network connection state" to be checked ?
question 3) which is the procedure to make this thing to work?
I would use a virtual bridged adapter on the NIC from "the network which is coming by lan" as WAN for pfSense,
on the additional NIC (WI-FI?) on the host system I would disable all services except of the vmWare-Networking, add a bridged virtual adapter on it and use it as LAN for pfSense
"do is needed to change the first adapter to another one?" - no, the "Host only adapter" should not be used for your configuration - it is in the "localhost" network, which can normally not communicate with physical devices,
"replace physical network connection state" seems to be good for pfSense - it will see, if the physical cable is connected,
the question is too general, try to look at the documentation of installing pfSense on a virtual host, e.g. https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Virtualizing_pfSense_on_Proxmox, to general pfSense installation documentation https://doc.pfsense.org/index.php/Installing_pfSense , to "getting started" guides, read this forum, etc.